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Re-programming R8247 after reinstalling RM

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I recently had a fairly major computer failure whereby RM had to be reinstalled.

The result being that I lost my track plan, locos and acc. decoders,

Can I simply disconnect the track wiring to the decoders and replace it with wires from the programming track output of eLink to re-program the decoders?

If so, can I leave the wiring to the points connected to the decoder?

Or do I have to strip the decoders bare? 

Or is there another option?

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No, you cannot connect the track to program output to reprogram all your decoders.  They have to be done individually.


But you don't have to reprogram them at all.  Their setup is held in the decoder. All you need to do is recreate your track plan and you will be up and running.  Any chance you saved a copy?


Ah, I see Ray has agreed with me while I was typing.  What I've said goes for loco and accessory decoders too.

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The R8247's will still hold their original programmed configuration. The configuration is held in the decoder, not RM. Same for locos too. Thus you don't HAVE to reconfigure them.


Of course, when you recreate your lost track plan in RM you would have to recreate it as it was before with the same point numbering scheme.


If you can't remember what addresses you allocated to each R8247. Thus making replicating an exact copy of your track plan near impossible, then you will have to readdress the installed R8247's to suit your newly created track plan.


Leave the R8247s exactly where they are. Obtain a length of suitable wire (figure 8 speaker or bell wire will do nicely). Connect one end of the wire to the controller 'progam' output. Now take the free end of the wire to each R8247 in turn. Unscrew the current DCC input wires and leave dangling in free air. Connect your programming cable in its place. Perform the programming configuration, then restore the DCC wires as before and test before moving on to the next decoder. Do these one at a time.


You can leave your existing point solenoid wiring in place during the configuration process. Before I replaced my faulty R8247. I performed what I have described above many times on it.


EDIT: A flurry of London Busses, three all together.

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Ditto all the above, but if you cant remeber which acc decoder (i.e. point number) is which when you recreate your plan then do it as best as possible, click a point on screen and see what changes on track. Make notes and i'm sure the original plan numbering will come back to you, but if not then just amend each point port to match the decoder Port That actually changes that point.

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Thanks to all for your advice.

I had thought that was the case but didn't want to go ahead in case I made matters worse.

Fortunately I've numbered my decoders and points so should not have any trouble setting them up again.

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