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DCC loco not being recognised in elink DC

70s kid

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I sold a Mallard that input a decoder into to a chap running DC, not DCC. He says Elink isn't recognising the train. I never used elink so no idea what issue might be. From memory I think I programmed the loco to run as 04 instead of the default 03 - might that be why it's not being recognised and not running? He bought it to get his children into ttains which makes it worse. All ideas and suggestions welcome. Worse case scenario maybe just remove the decoder and return it fully to DC? 

Many thanks as ever

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Poliss has hit the nail on the head - there is clearly some confusion between 70s kid and the new owner as, if the new owner is using an eLink (and therefore also Railmaster), he is running DCC not DC.  So could you clarify which it is?


Also, while resetting the decoder will return it to the default 03 address, not all decoders support doing this.  In particular, the Hornby R8249 doesn't. However, if you think you have set it to address 04, suggest the new owner try to run it on this address (if he is in fact using an eLink and therefore DCC).


Or you might suggest the new owner joins the forum and talks to us directly?

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Oops, you are of course quite right poliss.  The decoder leaflet says CV8 is a supported CV and is the manufscurer's ID set by the NMRA.  What it doesn't say is that you can write 8 to it to reset it.  You are it seems expected to know this yourself.


In my advice, I was trying to avoid any need to carry out read or write operations on the decoder, rather just run the loco on the set address.

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Yes, very helpfully unhelpful unfortunately.  Just why would I look in my controller manual to find out what CVs I can change in my decoder?  Or less likely look up the NMRA spec to find what I ought to be able to change. Then maybe I'm being a little critical as the controller manual does tell me about changing ID and other things and for the Elite CVs.

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Thanks guys. I've passed on all comments to the chap. I think he may have bought or been persuaded to buy elink as he said he was heading to the model shop. He def said he had DC not DCC so I'm convinced he doesn't know that he has to call up locos by their number - I think he expected whatever was on the track to run a-la DC but with a decoder fitted that wasn't going to work as I'd programmed it away from default 03. 

No doubt I may be back with further update/request for advice but for now thank you as always. 

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If he is going for an elink then he will also get RM so he can read your decoder to find the address.


you may need to hold his hand until he gets it up and running to help him with the basics.

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