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Retrieving large loco control Display

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Hi Guys,

Can anyone tell me how I can retrieve the large loco control display when it disapears from the screen when you click on the X or on the track plan?.  If I go back to choose it again when I click on the magnifiying glass symbol all I get is a beep,  The only way I can open it up again is to restart railmaster.  I have looked through the instruction but I can not see anything about opening it back up.

Any help welcome.


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You might find Pete that it is sitting "behind" the screen you have active. Try minimising the screen you have in view and see if it's there. If it is clicking on it will bring it to the "front" again. If it's not there, you'll have to wait for someone clever to bowl up. R-

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If it is just being hidden behind the main RM screen as Roger suggests. Then holding the 'ALT' key and pressing the 'Tab' key on your PC keyboard at the same time should bring it to the front.


Can't say I have ever seen the large throttle disappear. I was under the impression that there was a RM configurable option that forces it to be always 'on top'.


EDIT: There is a configurable option, I found it in the "railmaster.ini" file.


Controllers on top=1

1=Large pop-up loco controllers are always on top of other windows


Check your .ini file and see if this line is missing or set to =0


=1 is the default


To check and edit your .INI file. Click the 'COG' icon in the bottom left hand corner of the Railmaster 'About' Window.


See RM manual version 1.64 Page 33 for details of the above EDIT.

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