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Bachmann 36-553 Decoder and Select DCC


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Definitely does not match any (Hornby) Loksound v3.5s that I have, as they are 21 pin direct mount..

Mine have either a round label with 38/11/MS on it or a square label with either 5552 or 2526 on it.

Certainly not TTS as it has too many pins. TTS is a basic 8 pin decoder.


@chris - I can't see the big square many pinned chip on these photos that your link shows. photo attached


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I did say my suggestion was only a best guess. WTD, I think you may have spoken too soon. After blowing up the photos a little larger. The only thing that is the same between the two decoders is the white label. As Rob pointed out (before he edited out the comment), the 16 pin chip on the linked photo is missing on the OPs decoder.

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Hi again

Hardly matters what make the decoder is really, it's not a Bachmann!  But it certainly is a sound decoder. Of unknown manufacture.

if the decoder can't be re addressed on the main by the Select, assuming this has been tried? By taking all the other locos off the main line and try to set this one locos address to something between 1 and 59, then I suggest the owner takes the loco to a local model shop or model railway club and asks if they can set its address to 3 for him. Then the Select should operate the loco on 3 and he should also be able to re address it to something between 1 to 59

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Hi Everyone

The red light on the Select flashes 3 times when I attempt to programme the address on the loco.

I have tested it with a Hornby sapphire decoder and from a mechanical point of view it works perfectly but not the sound (obviously).

I have read all of your comments regarding taking it along to a railway model shop or club and so that is a distinct possibility. Either that or I could upgrade to an Elite but that seems a tad excessive  

One thing that is very puzzling is that when I put it on the energised programming track for the 1st time it went through its fall repertoire of sounds, would not move and has not made a sound since. It's almost as if a fuse has blown or something.

Thanks for all your help.




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 Hi Magfan

Thank you for your answer/advice.

I suppose the question is do Invest in cakes and buns or a new controller (Elite or otherwise). The latter has come a bit sooner than I expected.

I'll let you know how I get on but I guess that this is the end of the line for this particular thread.

Thanks to all who responded 

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Once short address is set in CV29, it won't matter what short address the decoder is set to as now Select will be able to change it to anything you want in the range. It's that it is set to a long address that is stopping Select from programming it.

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