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Consists and sound features.


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If you are using RM i can confirm TTS decoder sounds will operate independently of each other when in consist. I.e you can toot each horn or whistle to simulate comms between the drivers, etc.


the way a consist data is held in memory generally depends upon the decoders, some hold a common address in each decoder memory, some hold a unique address in each decoder memory, and some consists data are generated by the controller, but in RM its the application which holds the consist data so you can even consist decoders that do not support consisting.


if controlling from outwith RM then your problem is accessing the sound controls for each loco on the controller, whereas in Rm you can have both controllers on screen (pro pack) at once and press each sound, with both locos under common throttle control.

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I didn't say that - I said if you are controlling from outwith RM your problem is accessing the separate sound functions via your controller.


As the Elite has two knobs it should be possible to swap back and forth between them and as you do the associated screen will have the Functions open at the last page each knob used, so why not give it a go and report back telling us how you got on.

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