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intermitent coming and going of RM

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Ray, I remember your posts relating to getting a working solution for your .INI file configurations. If I recall, you had issues with running programs (of which you have many). Those issues only being resolved by deploying =0 .INI configuration entries.


Yes quite correct, John is on Windows 7 as he is an adamant anti Windows 10 hater. I have RM on Windows 10 with Alternative comm=1, Check controller=0 & Elite feedback=1 working absolutely fine with a 'Green' Elite controller icon. But there again, I don't run any RM programs.

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Oh by gum Chris, I think we both must have gained our logical problem solving skills accreditation from the back of the same Wheaties packet, honed of course by many years of learning from our own mistakes.


Then we have both of course forgotten the Golden Rule of RM problem solving - first download and install the latest version from the link at the top of the forum and see if the problem is still there.  But John has been as loathe to do that as he seems to be now about emailing HRMS?  And I suspect it will make no difference in this instance anyway, although still worth a try.


For John it's easier to try this than emailing.  He can download the latest to a USB on his desktop and take it upstairs to install on the laptop.  But then if it doesn't change anything, he can just unplug the laptop from the layout, bring it downstairs to the Internet without turning it off and send the email.

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Hi John, this looks quite like the problem that I just had.  After updating to Rm1.64 and V1.42 for the Elite , I could not get a marriage between Rm &  Elite. (Then my grandson told me that aout 2 weeks previously when I was,nt there he lost control for about 2mins ( twice ) and elite "connected" light was out but control was working points.)  Anyway then I started getting pop-ups " elite comm port error " or "comm port faulty - short circuit" .            After gittering about for a couple of days, I contacted customer care  and they told me to set : "alternative comms" and "check controller" to zero ( off )" I also "set elite feeback" to off/0. and check Baud rate is set at 19200. in device manager & Rm setup. Then I had to get to the back of my PC and find another Comm port. Eventually it worked for me  These ini file settings are for  Xp . different for other versions.

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Chrissaf , Fishy, well what about that, i knew there was another case.  Gitter, many thanks.  This resembles Rays solution. Only difference, my Elite is 1.41. Will play when grass cutting allows. john

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The thing is John, Gitter stated his RM is on Windows XP. With Windows XP and to some degree Vista as well Alternative comms and Check controller being =0 would be correct. Additionally, Gitter mentioned getting communication error messages (that you have not mentioned, so I assume you are not getting those), plus his issues can be easily attributed to his RM upgrade to version 1.64. So, all in all, taking all the evidence into account, in my humble view, that is not an indicator that your Windows 7 RM.INI settings should be =0 too. By all means try =0 if you like, but remember that HRMS set your .INI file the way it is for a reason. I would urge you though, if you do try setting them to =0, restore them back to as they were, if no improvement.


Gitter himself, acknowledges that different versions of Windows require different .INI settings. I copy the line he wrote to that effect below:


These ini file settings are for  Xp . different for other versions.


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I'm still with Chris John.  Gitter did the upgrades, found the correct ini settings, set his port correctly and was back online with a little help from HCC (and he could have done all of that by following the Setting Up and Getting Started locked thread).  Well done to him.  And also well done to update his Elite firmware by following the Hornby instructions (no problem with XP).


Yours is different.  I still think your solution is upgrade RM and email HRMS as I've already said.


PS.  You do remember how to adjust your ini settings via the gear wheel in RM Help.  Write down what you have now before you change anything so you can get back to where you started.

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I have an idea that RDS, is also greyed out, or he was..


Sorry for the slow response but I was just flicking through the recent threads and I noticed my initials!

The thread may have moved on by now but I have been operating my layout tonight and when I read John's post I checked the Elite icon on my RailMaster.  It was greyed out.  I must say this surprised me because I am sure it isn't normally anymore.  I closed RM down, restarted it and the Elite icon was displayed correctly and not then greyed out.  I then ran RM on my networked (slave) PC and the network icon was displayed correctly (not greyed out).  I then applied some throttle for a Loco from my slave PC and this is replicated on my main RM laptop screen but not vice versa - i.e. applying throttle on the Main RM, does not display on the slave PC.

I then applied some throttle from my Elite and this was not displayed on either main or slave PC copies of RM.  At this point I checked my .ini file and Elite feedback was set to 0.  I changed it to Elite feedback = 1 and this then results in the throttle being displayed correctly on my main RM (never on the slave though).  Just to check, I then changed back to Elite feedback = 0 and there is no feedback.  Changing back to Elite feedback = 1, then displays throttle and Forward / Reverse correctly on my main RM screen.


In conclusion, Elite feedback needs to be set to 1 for me.  Both PC's are Windows 10 (sorry John)

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i found i had just gotten used to doing things with the wrong hand when time came to have the other one done and i had to relearn the brain again to use the normal hand, which surprisingly wasn't as simple as you would expect.

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RAF, Hi, i am left handed, the op, is on my RHand thumb, the holding hand for DIY.   So, the first one, should be ok, no brain needed for left hand.. As you rightly say, next time will be more awkward.  john

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