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Railmaster and Rapido APT-E

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Hi everybody
I have the Rapido APT-E, and lovely it looks. However, trying to get the various sound functions on eLink has got me baffled. I have allocated a running number (003) to it, as all my other locos have long addresses, so that seemed simplest. I could only select 5 (or is it 6?) sound functions, none of which coincided with the function nos. allocated by the manfr. I checked the CVs also, as the manual quotes numbers in a higher region than the 255 that eLink reads. Whilst the unit runs, with a turbine sound, it isn't accurate, whereas if I use it under dc I get the proper start-up routine, followed by a gradual acceleration (no other sounds, of course).
For instance, the function cv for two-tone horn is 427, and gas turbine start is 331. Am I wrong in assuming that, as eLink doesn't read as far as these cv numbers, the functions would not be available?
I am using a Fujitsu laptop, Win 8.1, and running on Kato HO track, with the programming track being on a new piece of Peco look-alike track
Apologies for the long-winded post, but all help would be gratefully received.


l have already posted this in the 'General' section, but feel that this should be in 'Railmaster - apologives for duplication

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There must be a limited number of people on here who have purchased the APT-E and given its uniqueness little information is known about the sound decoder used within it. It might help to generate some replies, if you could scan and post the APT-E documentation with regard to the sections relating to settings and configurations. Having visibility of that info, might help users to make suggestions. For example, most sound decoders use functions to play sounds, so personally, I find your references to CVs rather confusing. Unless someone says differently, I don't think the APT-E manual is posted on the web as a PDF. If it is, and you know the link, then post that here instead of a scan.


I suspect, for the rationale given above. That is the reason your other post got a 'Nil Point' return.


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Re the 6 functions. I presume you are talking about the tick box limitation And warning dialogue.

This only selects those 6 functions you want to show on the small throttle buttons.

RM will show F0-24 functions on the expanded throttle if designated, by clicking the red triangle and click and dragging the full table up or down to access these. Why this number when the Elite and Select, can drive the full 29 functions (0-28).

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Thank you for your responses, gentlemen, I realise that perhaps my OP was a little vague, but to be fair it wasn't easy to know where to start, and as CVs are mentioned quite frequently I thought that might be a good place to start.  I will scan the relevant info in the Rapido handbook, and also, thanks to your info RAF, I will try the expanded throttle and see how I get on.  

anyway, your contributions are greatly appreciated, thanks once again


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Thank you for your responses, gentlemen, I realise that perhaps my OP was a little vague, but to be fair it wasn't easy to know where to start, and as CVs are mentioned quite frequently I thought that might be a good place to start.  I will scan the relevant info in the Rapido handbook, and also, thanks to your info RAF, I will try the expanded throttle and see how I get on.  

anyway, your contributions are greatly appreciated, thanks once again


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Rod, when you configured the APT-E in RM. Did you configure the 28? Function Buttons in the 'Loco Setup' screen. Of course with a Hornby sound loco, you call up the Hornby R number from the database and all the appropriate function buttons get configured automatically.


Of course you can't do that with the APT-E as it is not a Hornby product and the Function Buttons need to be individually configured manually. This manual configuration process is somewhat skipped over in the RM manual so it is not obvious what you need to do with a non Hornby loco. It may that you just need to perform the manual function button configurations.


Note the following undocumented in the RM manual feature. If you want a Function Button to lock on (like F1 to turn sound on function for example) then the Function Button configuration must include the text "on/off" (without the quotes "") on the button label. If you don't include the on/off text, the function will act as a toggle and any sound associated with it will play only once. Like a 'horn' for example.


For more information check out page 34 of the version 1.64 RM manual. On page 34 the graphic shows a Function List on the right hand side. You can edit the entries in this list to synchronise the functions shown in RM to the functions listed in your APT-E documentation. The 6 functions with the ticks are the ones that are shown on the small throttle, but the rest show up on the large throttle when expanded.

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 Thank you for that info, Chris.  I have just re-run the loco set-up, but i can only set 6 function buttons at present.  I guess that I am missing something which allows me to use more than that number, but can't see it at present. I will look at the manual again tomorrow (my eyes and brain are scrambled now!) and follow the instructions therin. 

as always, your help is invaluable, and thanks once again for your guidance



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When you say only six function buttons could that be the ones you've ticked to be shown in the small loco throttle?


If so, continue to input the others and see how you go. If not I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will help further.

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Yes the six tick boxes do seem to give people trouble.


Just to reiterate:


For the present ignore the tick boxes.


Configure all the Functions between F0 and F?? that you need to within the 'Loco Settings' screen. Page 34 of the manual.


These will all show on the large expanded throttle. Initially, when you open the large throttle you will only see the first 8 functions. There is a red indicator in the bottom edge of the throttle, click there and the throttle will expand to show 16 functions and be scroll-able to see the others.


Now back in the 'Loco Settings' window, choose which 6 of the configured functions you want to be shown on the small throttle. It is these 6 that you tick the selection boxes for. These ticks only affect what is shown on the small throttles shown on the right hand side of the main RM screen.


Again just for the sake of clarity. In the main RM window, when you click the upper centre of a small throttle (on the right hand side of the screen). The same throttle opens on screen as a 'large throttle' that gives more visibility of function capabilities.


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Often happens choralc when a thread runs into several pages the answer pops up a time or two or three.


also happens when one is still typing as tother has already posted ahead of one.

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In my case I did see the previous tick box comments, but felt (maybe incorrectly) that the OP wasn't fully appreciating the significance of the comments being made. Thus, I decided to do my normal 'war & peace' approach for further clarification.

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Thanks to you, Chris, RAF and Choralc for your sage advice and guidance.  I have spent some time looking at the web sites of Rapido and DCC Kits (the sound card supplier and installers) and have gleaned the fact that DCC kits acknowledge some controllers can only read to CV255.  I have also found other stuff on another forum which gives a possible work-round, but am loathe to tinker too much.  Will try your recommendation first.  I will come back when I have done this and keep you up to date.


once again, many thanks for all the brain power you are using on my behalf, I will owe you all an ice cream at the very least (with a flake, of course)



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Whilst I am tackling the 'f' buttons, I have been running the model using my dc controller.  I get the major effects (I.e. Start-up routine, front and rear lights and coach lights).  My concern, perhaps misplaced, is that I might cause damage to the chip using this method.  Does anyone have any thoughts on this, please?



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DCC decoders are designed to work on DC. There is a specific 'bit' in CV29 that enables and disables DC support. It is enabled by manufacturers as the default.

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Not that I have ever been affected by this phenomena, but some posts on here have stated that they have been affected by DCC loco run away on a DCC layout. The stock answer on the forum seems to be 'disable' the DC function, to see if that cures the problem. If you have never been affected by DCC loco run away, then there is probably minimal benefit in disabling it.

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I have a slightly different view to that Chris.  The phenomenon exists and can be disastrous.  It might only take one occurrence for your favourite train to take off like a scalded cat and throw itself forcefully onto the floor.  And Murphy will attest that it will happen one day, in fact the day before your decided to do something about, and it will be your favourite train.


Why risk it?

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I agree with Fishy as Muphry's Law also ensures that it will work fine all the while you are watching it, but it will instantly go catastrophically awry as soon as you turn your back on it.

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Thanks, Chris, that's what I thought, but always good to get solid info from you chaps.  I, too, had read about the 'scalded cat' problem and the advice to disable dc running.  As fishy, RAF et al, have hinted, better safe than sorry.  Anyway, until I have worked out the program sequence for the various function buttons, I will continue to run on dc.


great stuff from you all, once again



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I have just remembered why I was unsure about the dc/DCC running, which was that some DCC controllers have a function to run DC locos on them, and there was a warning on this forum about the prolonged use.  My original Bachmann controller offered this feature, and I ran a HD Duchess on it, went fantastically, but don't want to damage my much-treasured HD model, so don't use that function now.

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Hi all,

Just to confirm. The lovely Rapido APT-E does work very well with Railmaster and e-link.  I'm a very proud owner and learnt most of the tricks detailed on here, but the hard way without this excellent thread.   The 6 functions malarky is particularly confusing for a novice, but it does all make sense eventually.  The on/off trick I first got working on the APT and then had to go back and modify the settings on other locos that I had got wrong.

The APT-E is tricky to assemble at first, particularly because you are really worried about breaking the priceless item.  It took me an hour and a half to have a working unit!

The carriage lights are permanently lit.  But cab lighting and directional lights are controlled by dcc functions.  Don't forget the easter egg on F15.  This does need the on/off functionality or you won't hear it all, just the first few seconds.

Thanks for an excellent resource.

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