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Railmaster and Rapido APT-E

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Perhaps for the benefit of Bulver you could post a detailed 'How To' here. How to set the APT-E up in RM. Perhaps also listing all the Functions and what they do.


I'm sure that many of the non APT-E owners would be interested too.

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Hi Chrissaf,

I will attempt a how-to, but my railway is currently two floors above me and what I typed yesterday was totally on memory, which isn't too good these days!  My grandson is visiting today and I'm due to go on a break to London, so I'll see if I can cram a how-to in.   Watch this space...

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Excellent suggestion, Chris, all help will be gratefully received.  Thank you, Tricky, your guidance on those function buttons, added to the info already posted here, will be greatly appreciated


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As promised the step by step to get the Rapido APT working with Railmaster:


I have left the APT as loco 3 as my programming track is shorter than the train and also I'd already assembled it on the main.  That took me an hour and a half and I wasn't going to separate it all again to get it on a programming track.  Bear in mind the note in the READ ME NOW manual about not trying to move an assembled APT complete by hand.  Leaving the loco as 3 can cause problems later when introducing other locos, but another reason for not changing the code as I don't know which number to use. :-)


Choose the single loco icon (Set up Locomotives) from the menu bar.  This brings up your loco list. Put you loco number, 0003 in my case, in the locomotive DCC ID field as you are now creating a new loco. I chose a Hornby APT as the base loco.  This is where Railmaster annoys me in it's Hornbyness, there is a list of Hornby locos back to the year dot, but no other manufacturers locos.  Put R794 in the find box.  At least you will then have a picture of an APT of some sort.  You can then change the name field to be Rapido APT-E for example.


I completed the function list list thus:


F0  Lights on/off

F1  Sound on/off

F2  Horn H/L on/off

F3  Horn Low on/off

F4  Horn High on/off

F5  HK Brake fan on/off

F6  Drivers door slam

F7  Dale gen on/off

F8  Air Purge

F9  Cab lights on/off

F10 Additional GT start1

F11 Additional GT start2

F12 Crew steps

F13 DC Lighting on/off (no idea what this does)

F14 Tilt pump

F15 Detonators

F16 Easter Egg on/off (I could tell you what this is but then I'd have to kill you! :-)


As mentioned earlier in the thread the on/off is important as what tends to happen if you miss it off you only get the first few seconds of a sound then it fades out.  Some of the descriptions have to be truncated to fit in the text box. HK stands for Hydro Kinetic.



Save the settings and you should be good to go.


Here is a link to the Legoman Biffos instructions for the after market fit sound board for the APT-E.  The instructions are either slightly different to the one fitted as standard to the Rapido APT-E or are incorrect.  Some of the function numbers are different.


Legoman Biffos instructions


Hopefully I've included everything.  If there is anything unclear, just add a comment to the thread.

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Re adrress #3. Although it says in the Hornby blurb that you cannot change a locos address on the main I have found it possible to write to CV1 in Operations Mode from the Elite without any problems. It may not be possible using the eLink though as RM is looking for a programming track.


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Thank you Tricky on behalf of Bulver, who I am sure will add his own thanks when he sees your post.


I think I may be able to help you out (and Bulver for that matter) regarding:


As mentioned earlier in the thread the on/off is important as what tends to happen if you miss it off you only get the first few seconds of a sound then it fades out.


I see that as a result of the stated issue quoted above from your post that you have added the 'on/off' annotation to the three 'Horn' functions on F2, F3 and F4.


There is another alternative to doing this, you could use the built into RM 'Sound Macro' feature as an amendment to the F2, F3 and F4 functions instead (see version 1.64 RM manual page 41).


If I understand what you said correctly, when you want to play any of the three 'Horns' you have to click the relevant 'Function' button once to start playing the sound, and again to stop and reset the sound (due to the 'on/off' text on the function button label).


You could as an alternative, automate this process with a macro.


On the three Horn functions F2, F3 and F4 delete the 'on/off' addition you have made on the function button label and edit the button instead with a macro (see manual page 41 on how to do this).


On the F2 button configure this macro: P4~F2

On the F3 button configure this macro: P4~F3

On the F4 button configure this macro: P4~F4


In the above example the P4 equates to a pause of 4 seconds, if you only need a 3 second pause then substitute P4 with P3 or if you want a 5 second pause substitute P4 with P5. P8 would give a 8 second pause and so on. In other words, make the P number how ever many seconds you need to hear the whole 'Horn' sequence play through.


So in the above examples, if you click the F3 function button, the Low Horn sound will play. The P4 in the example adds a 4 second pause, then F3 is automatically sent again by RM to turn off and reset the F3 sound.


The same obviously happens in my examples for the F2 and F4 functions.

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Firstly, a big thank you to all those who have responded to my plea for assistance, great stuff!  Thanks to John for the note about leaving unattended, I have only a relatively short test run, and did find the set derailing initially.  Found that ensuring the lead-in to and out of the turnout had a short straight eliminated the problem.  Tricky, thanks for your guidance, will have a pop at that tomorrow, with regard to the 'legoman' instructions, I reckon they are not APT specific, but generic for the decoder used by DC Kits for this model.

will let you know how I get on tomorrow, but cheers once again, all


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Re adrress #3. Although it says in the Hornby blurb that you cannot change a locos address on the main I have found it possible to write to CV1 in Operations Mode from the Elite without any problems. It may not be possible using the eLink though as RM is looking for a programming track.


Hi RAF, I've had a go a programming on main, it appeared to be trying to write the details and erroring on reading. I'll either have another go, or just temporaily swap the wires from the programming track to the main.  Everything is a bit temporary on my layout anyway.  I seem to be struggling with cantgetstarteditus. :-)

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thats not an error, you just cant generally read cv values in ops mode, you have to revert to the prog track.


the exception is if you have railcom enabled when you (i.e. the controller) can read such things as fuel burn if your decoder supports that sort of thing e.g. sapphire decoder.

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Thanks for the tip about Macros, I'm fairly green with Railmaster, even though I've had it a while.  I'll have a go with the macros when I get some time.  It'll probably be a week or so at least by the time I've got back from my London trip and DEMU at Burton, next weekend.


I have only one point on my layout and the APT derails on it.  I did read somewhere, possibly the giant APT thread on RMWeb that it doesn't like small radius points.  Every bogie on mine derails on the hornby point.  I'm going to look and see if the back to backs need adjusting, many have suggested they do.

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I'll either have another go, or just temporaily swap the wires from the programming track to the main.


Please don't do that, if you do and you leave any other decoders (locos) connected on the track they will all try to respond to the programming request. What RAF96 suggested is a bit of a 'red herring' as the eLink does not support 'Operations Mode'. RAF did make a comment to that effect, and stated he used 'Operations mode' on his Elite

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Exactly Chris, often based only upon clues written into their posts we have to assume posters have a certain skill level with their kit and that they are cognisant of any limitations gleaned from a thorough read of the various manuals.

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 I have a somewhat related problem and have been wondering how to solve it. But first another question: to define the F0-24: must the loc be on the programming rail? I didn't think so, but I want to be sure.

Now my problem: I have two locs, one with only a front light, the other with a front and a rear light. When the loc goes forward, only the front light should be on, when the loc goes reverse, then only the rear light (or for the one loc no light at all) should be on. This works on other DCC systems and the CVs are definitely correct. However, on my eLink system with Railmaster I have no lights at all! Do I need to define an F button?

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But first another question: to define the F0-24: must the loc be on the programming rail?


If you are referring to the Function buttons within RailMaster for the purpose of creating your loco within the Hornby RM program database. Then the answer is NO. You don't need the loco on the 'Programming Track'. In fact, you don't even need to have the loco within your actual possession, from a setting up Function button point of view. It could be in transit, having been ordered and you are setting up RM in advance, pending its delivery. Of course, you do need the loco in your possession to alter any decoder CVs you might need to. Such as DCC ID address.


However, on my eLink system with Railmaster I have no lights at all! Do I need to define an F button?


Two things need to be valid for directional lights to work with a DCC decoder fitted loco.

Firstly, the decoder needs to have 128 speed steps enabled in CV29.

Secondly, F0 (typically) needs to be sent to the loco from your controller to switch the lights 'ON'. Sending F0 again will switch the lights 'OFF'. F0 for directional lighting, is usually pre-configured in the decoder by default. But the F0 command still needs to be sent from your controller to activate the lights.


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Hi Tricky, just re-checked the link you gave fof DC Kits sheet on APT, you are correct, it is that model-specific.  When I went on their site earlier, I only found the generic details.  Sorry about that.  Have tried some re-writing of the functions, but pretty unsuccessful at present. Will have another go tomorrow (don't want to set the horn going at gone 11pm!)

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Just to add to what Chris said about F0, some decoders allow reconfiguration of this function to say reverse the logic or have either / or on or off By way of altering the value of certain cvs.


Please refer to the instructions for your decoder to see if this is supported and how to do it.



This is completely separate from any configuration of functions within RM.


Again the Sapphire supports this and I believe ESU sound decoders, but not Hornby basic or TTS decoders.

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Sorry to drift off topic but you asked so I have to reply... 😉

I remember Wendover not for its garden centres (I don't think they were even invented in the early 60's - you had to find a nursery) but for the railway station (our first and last point of contact when on going on/coming off leave of absence - paid holidays to you civvies), its numerous pubs with landlords who all had defective vision that couldn't see an underage spotty youth wanting a pint of ale, and finally the same pubs offering a garaging facility for our cars and motor bikes, as we were not allowed to keep a vehicle within 1 mile of Halton, upon pain of jankers.


Here's a few pictures of my Singer Bantam behind the Shoulder of Mutton on the High Street...



1936 - 903cc OHC engine and 4 wheel hydraulic brakes - top spec for the year.



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Thanks, RAF, I will have another go later, promised to take the lady wife to a garden centre, might just go to one near a lovely town that you may remember - Wendover

The garden centre is called Worlds End. We tend to visit often, usually to use the cafe. About 20 minutes from us on a good day. 

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 Hi Chrissaf, thank you so much! I defined F0 for all my locs according to your instructions, and surprisingly many more had lights -:)


Added bonus then..........


Glad you worked it out, particularly as I forgot to mention that with RM & eLink, F0 button for the locos needs to be configured as "Lights on/off" within the loco setting screen if not already done so. My first reply, assumed the button was there and that you were just not using it.

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RAF re: Re adrress #3. Although it says in the Hornby blurb that you cannot change a locos address on the main I have found it possible to write to CV1 in Operations Mode from the Elite without any problems.


I take it on the main means the loco is on track connected to track output on Elite or can it be done connected to programme output?

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Operations Mode programming, POM - programming on the main is exactly that, talking to a specific loco on the rails attached to the track terminals when other locos are present.


Generally in POM you designate the loco address you wish to contact before you do anything else, then send instructions only to that listener.


It can be used for lots of things like altering accel/decell rates and sound volumes on the hoof, without affecting other locos on the main, but also for changing the loco ID.


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