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Railmaster with point control add in signals.

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Hi.It has been a while since I have been able to do anymore work on my layout Geominster. I have now bought 12 two aspect signals which I hope to place so they show green or red depending on the point setting to which they refer.


All my points operate on DCC and are controlled via Tawcrofts decoders each assigned numbers of course. Now the decoder throws a single pulse to change the point motor which is fine but how do I get the 2 aspect signals to illuminate either red or green continuously controlled by the point direction.

I have a Signalist SC1 decoder so do I assign the relevant point decoder number to one of the Signalist terminals so it stays red or green dependant on direction?


Or if I am getting this all wrong could someone please advise how when I throw a point in to go one direction it changes that direction signal to green and when the point is against the direction the signal changes to red. hell I know what I am trying to say but .....


Thanks Guys,

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This would potentially be very easy to do with RM ProPack. It has the ability to link a point decoder address to a different signal decoder address so that they function as one.


It is possible that giving both the Tawcroft and the SC1 decoders the same addresses would give the same effect, but as they are non Hornby products I would think you would have to experiment to try it out and see for yourself. There can't be many on here who use both those product together and can give practicable advice. If there are, then great - problem solved (assuming they see this posted thread and respond).

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It is possible to run your signal lamps from the point motor terminals using a micro switch surface mounted and operated by the tie bar. If Flashbang sees this he can give you chapter and verse. I suggest you have a look on his website  (just Google Brian Lambert Model Railway) to see if you can find the relevant section? I have had a quick look but for the moment it evades me. R-

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I don't know if this will help you as I use different decoders etc. but I solved this problem by using dual core latching relays. Throw the points one way latches the red led, throwing the other way latches the green led. The supply to the point coils also power the relay coils. A  separate 12 v supply powers the LEDs.

I hope this helps.

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