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carriage lights

Old Bob

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Perfectly OK....


Although not that particular model, I have been running Hornby factory fitted lit coaches (example below) on my DCC track for 3 years without the slightest issue.




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Perfectly OK....


Although not that particular model, I have been running Hornby factory fitted lit coaches (example below) on my DCC track for 3 years without the slightest issue.



Thanks, I will take a chance  I have 2 of the same .


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Any flicker Chris?


No flicker as such, but I do have one particular point (turnout for the Americans), only one, that has started generating an occasional drop out, not only coach lights, but a glitch in the sound locos too. Not enough for them to stall or stop. Didn't do it before, so that area of track probably just needs a decent good clean.


It probably helps that all track is Peco with switched live frogs and all track lengths have individual droppers.


@RDS, the picture was nicked from Hattons, an excellent source for rolling stock photos, as they usually have the blank white backgrounds. This is where I get my non-Hornby loco photos to import into RM.

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Just an observation on my part. In no way meant as a criticism. Another reason for NOT using the Blue Arrow Quote button that is embedded in the post. Doing so on a post containing an image means that your reply is delayed for moderation as well. As exampled above. It is always best to use the 'Reply' text box at the bottom of the page and the Green reply button.

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