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TCS T1 decoder trouble


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Hi all

Yes, I have posted a request to TCS, but they are closed until Monday :)

I have a TCS T1 decoder that is not responding to any of my efforts to program it.

Im using JMRI decoder pro3 via my Elite.

The decoder is not locked, I have its ID and CV 15 set to the same value as per TCS's instruction manual, but it will not accept any cv values I give it.

I have carried out a factory reset, but this does not appear to have had any effect!

Has anyone else had this kind of trouble with a decoder?

I have also tried programming the decoder directly from the Elite, with no luck.



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Yes, as far as I can tell....

When I read that page in decoder pro3 it said it was set to 1 and cv15 was set to 0.  According to the manual this meant the decoder was locked and not able to be programmed.  I have never locked any of my decoders btw!

So I set cv15 to the same value as the ID, 1

Then when I re-read that sheet it came back as the ID being 7 !!

So I then tried to set cv15 as 7 and when I re-read that sheet again it said both where set as 7.

But i am still not able to program the decoder.  The main thing is that it is set for DC operation, so it runs away as soon as I place it on my track.

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Not tried all programmng modes, so will give that a go, thanks :)

The decoder is a few years old now, so no go there.  Interesting thing is, the decoders date of birth, which can be read by decoder pro3, has 255 for all its values....

I'll have a little play with it again later and see what I can achieve :)

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As Poliss says, reading all values as 255 is usually an indicator that the controller can not see the decoder correctly. If you have never been able to read and write to any of these particular decoder models and the decoder does have basic functionality on its current default configuration (possibly indicating that it is not completely blown) then you may just need a 'programming booster' to provide a little bit more oomph to the controller programming output.


There is a post elsewhere on the forum stating that this 'programming booster' works with eLink, thus there is no reason to suspect that it will not work with Elite as well.



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Was not my first thought, Hairy, but I did check that at some point down the line :)


I've made contact with TCS via Facebook and after trying serveral things its going back to them for futher investigation, if only to discover what is wrong with it as it is out of warranty.

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