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PJ Williams

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Hi All 

I am still all new to this and am working on my first layout I have installed some points into my decoder and it is all programmed but when I go to switch the points through my elite controller you can hear the point clicking as if it has got the command but not switched any ideas what I have done wrong many thanks for your help in advance.


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PJ, there are several reasons why a point motor may not fire robustly. In order the help us to focus on what reasons might be affecting yours, could you tell us what brand of track points and point motor you are using? Also, we take it you are using the Hornby R8247 Accessory Decoder, could you confirm that too please.


For example:

Hornby points with R8014 point motors OR R8243 point motors


Peco points with PL10 point motors OR PL11 point motors


Seep point motors etc etc


All the above have potentially their own issues that are different. Knowing what you are using will greatly help.


Just be aware that the standard point wiring colours are Red, Green & Black and although Peco and Hornby use the same colours, the functions of the colours used by Hornby and Peco are different. So if you wire up a Hornby point motor to the Peco colour scheme or a Peco point motor to the Hornby colour scheme, neither will work correctly.

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can you feel it wants to move, can you move the point by hand and are hornby motors or peco.

Hi 52train thanks for your reply they are hornby motors (R8014) and am using a hornby decoder R8247 yeah I can feel them wanting to move but it only clicks I can move the points by hand but not through my controller 

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I had a similar result when I first started using the R8014 and found that the only way I could solve it was by increasing the voltage, so I now power them from an old Laptop Power Supply, giving 18v DC.  I use The Dynamis Point Decoder (36-561) though because it allows the use of a separate Power Supply (I don't think the Hornby one does)

I suggest that you disconnect the point motor from your DCC system and just apply about 15 to 18 volts DC across the relevant wires to make sure the point motor is actually working.

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There can be many reasons a point doesn't fire reliably, but the two most common reasons are either the R8014 point motor is misaligned (1) or the R8014 point motor is wired incorrectly (2).


1) If the R8014 is fitted to the base of the Hornby point via the metal mounting lugs pushed into the rectangular holes in the point, then alignment should be OK. If the R8014 is fitted below the base board via some alternative mounting arrangement, then alignment might be the issue. Please confirm how yours are fitted to the point.


2) Make sure your R8014s are wired as per this diagram. The most common mis-wiring symptom is the point fires in one direction only and just clicks in the other direction. Also, it is recommended that you do not use thin wires for the point wiring. I would recommend 16/0.2mm or 24/0.2mm sized wires. Thin wires can prevent adequate current reaching the point motor solenoid coil windings.




EDIT: And NO, the R8247 does not support an additional higher voltage power supply inputs as per the Accessory Decoder that RDS is using. His suggestion regarding testing with a temporary power supply of at least 16 volts AC or DC is a sound idea though, if only to test the function of the point motor. When applying this external testing voltage it is imperative that you disconnect the point wiring from the R8247. Applying this external high voltage to the R8247 output terminals is likely to damage it.


Only connect this external testing voltage BRIEFLY, two seconds at absolute most. More than that, and you risk over-heating and damaging the solenoid coil. The external testing power supply needs to be able to supply at least 2 amps but 4 amps or more would be better.

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