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loco address 255


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I have just bought a virgin pendelino train and the loco address is set to 255 and every time I try and change it it appears to write but then reread it and still set to 255 using railmaster and elink any ideas how to get it to change?

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Hellett, welcome to the forum.


If it is reporting '255', that is usually an indicator that the eLink controller can not electrically see the decoder. I take that you do have the Pendelino on the eLink programming track and not the main track when you are trying to read and write the CVs. If you have just bought the Pendelino and it is brand new and not previously owned, then it should still have its default manufacturers 003 DCC address. Does the loco move on the default 003 address?


Not trying to teach Grandmother to suck eggs, but it has been known to happen, and been seen on this forum. I take it the loco is DCC Fitted and not DCC Ready. A DCC Ready loco does not have a decoder in it, just a socket where one can be fitted. If it is DCC Ready that would explain the '255' reading response.

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