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Large Pop-up controller

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When first activated the large pop-up controller window it shows 8 function buttons. You are supposed to be able to drag the bottom of the window to show more buttons but I cannot drag the bottom of my pop-up. I can double click on the bottom of the pop-up and it will expand to show 16 buttons but I cannot get the 24. If I double click on the bottom again it goes back to 8. I am running Railmaster Pro 1.64. Does anybody have any ideas what I may be doing wrong.

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I'm writing this completely from memory as I am not in front of my Standard Edition RM Laptop, but if I recall correctly. You click, to get from 8 to 16, but drag to get from 16 to 24. I don't think from memory you can drag from 8 to 24 in one go.

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Well I've just tried it and there is no "drag to" anything above 16 fundtion buttons on my RM. The red down arrow on 8 functions takes you to 16 where another click takes you back to 8. R-

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