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Hornby Railmaster - PC Stopped Working

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hi all have the railmaster but my pc pack up last week so fild the form out on railmaster and sent it to suport  got the e maill on the form rong  so when to send it scon time but not have it so how long is it bedfore i can submite the form as we have e mail hornby at phon them all i need them to do is reset the code so i can start a fresh getting fed up as no train


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Assuming that you originally installed Railmaster from a CD. The CD packaging will have your activation key written on it.


If for some reason you cannot use the inbuilt contact form within Railmaster, then send Hornby Rail Master Support (HRMS) an e-mail using your normal e-mail application. Use the e-mail address support@rail-master.com. You must have telephoned Hornby Customer Services and not Hornby Rail Master Support as HRMS do not publish a telephone number and only communicate with customers via e-mail. Hornby Customer Services can not directly help you with your issue, they only pass on these Railmaster activation issues to HRMS to deal with, so it is best to contact HRMS direct.


In the e-mail to HRMS quote your Railmaster CD key and ask them to de-activate the key on their server. Once that is done, you should be able to re-activate Railmaster using that key within the Railmaster application.


PS - This the same answer I gave you the last time you asked this question in the Railmaster forum.

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Hi Chris i have dune all of this but still no joy even sent them a scren shot of the right e mail and all the codes so do not know what i can do just wating on them i have tride to send the ford back of the railmaster but it wiil not let me thank Ron dit not see your reply Sorry Regards Ron 

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