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Corrupt Railmaster

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Hi, my Railmaster seems to be going haywire and I believe the program to be corrupt. Is there a link to redownload or repair the program?

It keeps asking me for the com port, then when it finally runs for a minute and click on other windows, they all stick on and will not go away without stopping the program.





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If you go to the RailMaster forum, there is at the top of the page a link to the latest version of RM (in red type).

Click on the link to download RM and then install in the normal way, there is no need to install with admin rights as you will have already done this on your initial installation.

Your track plans and loco database will be unaffected by the the installation.


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I take it you have tried rebooting the PC from scratch?

and if Windows 10, temporarily disable 'fast start' first as 'fast start' holds many variables in memory and doesn't clear them out the same way that a full shut down does.

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Sb, the symptoms you are describing appear to be more like your RM is not set up properly rather than corrupt.  We very rarely hear about corrupt programs either, often about programs not set up correctly.


Having downloaded and installed the latest from the link, I suggest you go to the 2nd top locked thread in the RM forum Setting Up and Getting Started and go through everything in there (don't assume Admin rights as Hairy has suggested above, check it).  Look particularly at the last post from HRMS and make sure the 2 lines in your ini file are correct for your setup.

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Just as a point of clarification, this is the second post Spireblade has posted on the same topic. In the other post (General Section) he stated that he had been using RM for some time without any issues and that this reported problem is something that has just started happening. This, if true, would infer that the .ini file settings were (well at least before this problem occurred) correct. But no harm in checking them again, to be sure.

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