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Faulty R8247?

num nuts

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Being a tad stubborn I've wasted days of my life trying to program this device connected to the Elite Controller. I've gone over and over the proceedures and achieved nothing. I am attempting to control points with it and have tried it with a couple of point motors to check if the first one is faulty - no sounds, no movement from either.

Trying to read back CVs seems to suggest that it is either faulty or I am thick, I get results from read back such as XXX and I mean XXX not a representation of a number. Could it be that I programmed it wrongly to begin with and it is now stuck in this state?

Has anyone experienced something of this nature?

Best wishes.

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The instructions that come with the R8247 are not very clear so you may be better off using those included in the Elte manual, making sure the version of manual you have is applicable to the firmware version of your Elite.


There has been some discussion on these forum in the past about programming these accesory decoders. You could try a search for R8247 or accessory decoder and see what comes up.


Also just to check you are using the Elite PROG terminals for your programming.

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I use R8247s with an Elite.


As Rob (RAF96) says, the R8247 instruction sheet is not that well written, and it is best to follow the Elite manual instructions instead.


For an Elite with firmware 1.41 and above, then programming the address is described on page 58 of the Elite 1.41 manual


If you want to reset the R8427 to the factory default (this will set the R8427 to use addresses 1 to 4 for ports 1 to 4) then write decimal value 8 to CV8 - see page 60 of the Elite manual regarding writing CVs. A factory reset will also normally recover a R8247 who's internal operating software configuration has been corrupted.


I would recommend doing the CV8 factory reset first, then confirm that the default addresses 1 to 4 operate your points first, before attempting again to reconfigure the port addresses. If after a factory reset to default, the R8247 does not operate your points using the default 1 to 4 address range, then either the R8247 is faulty or you are doing something fundamentally wrong in the way you are using and/or operating it.


Note: To configure the R8247, it must be the only device connected to your 'Prog A&B' output on your Elite. To then test its operation (either after factory default reset or after configuring a new address) the R8247 must be reconnected to the Elite 'Track A&B' output.


EDIT: Just watched the video in Eric's link. Just be aware that the point motor in the video is a Peco PL11. The Green, Red & Black wires are wired differently on a Hornby point motor. Peco use Green for Common, Hornby use Black for Common.


Eric's link was a 'How to Operate' video. This link is the '

' video by the same person.


Note the the video is showing programming the R8247 using the 'Group' numbering scheme process. He is also programming the address by writing directly to CV513 using the CV writing process on manual page 60, rather than the Address writing process described on page 58 of the manual. Both methods are valid, but the page 58 described method is more straight forward as you enter the addresses directly, and not the corresponding Group number - see further below.


Note that the read back will be different after port address 4. What I mean by this is, let's say you use the page 58 method and enter the first port address as 9. The four ports will be given the addresses 9, 10, 11 & 12 but the read back will display 3. This is because the read back display will always display the associated 'Group' number - see below for more information on Groups.


For info, group numbers relate to port address numbers as follows:


Group 1 = addresses 1 to 4

Group 2 = addresses 5 to 8

Group 3 = addresses 9 to 12

and so on


If you are trying to enter the port addresses directly where the use of group numbers is expected to be entered i.e page 60 method, then that may be why you are getting XXX displayed as the number you are entering may be outside the valid group range of numbers. The valid Group number range is 1 to 63. Thus, entering numbers above 63 will be out of valid range in Group number entering mode.


Say you wanted to set port addresses as 101-104, then that would be Group number 26. See table in Elite manual on page 59.


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