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Do we need a modeling page


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hi all

With 81F bashing old Hornby station buildings into submissiom and the new whats on your work bench threads.

I am thinking perhaps having an area devoted to modelling might be a good idea.

If we can get the freedom and as long as the resulting is meant to be part of an OO scale railway.

The big possible issuie being you can't build a model railway with Hornby product alone.

So as I see it that could be a problem.

My latest project could be used with Hornby trains but it is in its self not made from or with Hornby product not one.

What do you guys and girl's think.

regards John

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If you want to discuss non Hornby products there are other generic model rail forums out there. When I started back in the hobby 3 years ago I started here also, but found it too biassed towards Hornby products. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with that as it is run and funded by the manufacturer. I am still a member here and read both sites everyday, and if I have a question regarding  Hornby product I come here first. Spread your wings John 😆

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 I cannot see what would be wrong with a modelling page on this site as long as the things being made used predominently Hornby Products. For example building a new body for a Hornby Chassis or how I made a County Tank from a Prarie body and a 4-4-0 county could be examples.

Where I would probably draw the line is say making an AEC rail bus using an EFE regal and a KW tram chassis just because the wheels are Hornby and I might have been pushing it with a WW1 rectank where onlt rhe wheels and couplings were Hornby, but then again the load was Corgie.

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