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Losing the will to live.

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Hi, I seem to be getting communication issues between my PC and Elink. It was fine yesterday but this morning I cannot get anything to work, not the locos, not even points.  This has been happening occasionally and I have had to either reboot the PC (at worst), unplug the USB and try again or the power to the Elink. Not one of those combinations now sorts the problem. I am beginning to wish I had stayed with good old DC. I have re downloaded and installed Railmaster again but this problem still persists. When it works, it works well but it's so unreliable.

Please help!!


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Sb, go to the 2nd top locked thread in the RM forum, scroll down to the last post from HRMS and check the extra 2 Line entires in your ini file.  If that doesn't fix it check their entire post.  If still a problem, check the entire thread, then report back.

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