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What version number of 1.64

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I monitor the RM downloads on a daily basis and have the dates and revision numbers going back to 1.63.0 that was issued on the 20th Oct 2015.


The current version has the revision number there have been three versions of this revision (HRMS do not always update the revision number on a new release). The very first was on 31st Jan 2016, the second was on 1st Feb 2016 and the latest, still current, release was made available for download (as per the link at the top of the forum RM section) on 3rd Feb 2016.


Yes, you are correct. The period of stability (lack of updates) from 3rd Feb to the current date is AFAIK unprecedented.


EDIT: Rob got in ahead of me whilst I was typing. Pure hypothetical conjecture on my part, but when a software company stops making changes to an application. In my previous experience of other software packages, this is usually and indicator that a 'stake has been put in the ground' to allow development of a more major upgrade.


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@old gezzer


Almost 5 months Michael


One would have thought, me anyway, that altough no major updates they would release any changes they make on a gradual basis, rather than all at once and increase the risk of more issues.


May be they haven't because they get so many moans.


Which ever way we look at it, surely to drop in updates periodically would give guys something to chat about.

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Good to see you haven't left! You were a very regular contributor to discussions on LD so maybe when they see you're still here they'll give us [you] something to chat about even if only RM without LD! I'm afraid the "coming soon" promotion [4 years?] makes, or least made, my blood boil.

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Hi 37lover


I would word it as 'Let Down!' rather than blood boil although I know what you mean.


Blood Boil means we have let it get to us (we have)


'Let Down' means Hornby have not performed as they should, as was expected, as they promised.


'Let Down' puts the ball in the right net I feel.


This was a good forum 37, sadly I cannot say that anymore.


Let Down by Hornby, bickering by members, sad really, very sad.


Meanwhile 37, thank you for your kind comments  😎

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Not even any recent updates without change of revision for new Locos Chris?


Let's hope it's not Hornby withdrawing funds for the development team due to current finances.  Might explain the reported slow response times from HRMS recently though.

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Not even any recent updates without change of revision for new Locos Chris?


Not that I've seen. I monitor the powerpos.com file, so one would assume that it is the un-notified changes in this file that contain the loco database updates in synchronisation with the database file being pushed out by HRMS during the RM startup routine check.


Only a guess on my part, but as HRMS have stated that the loco database updates in the background without performing a full program update. Then the RM startup routine must include a check to see if it has the latest loco database and updates just that file in isolation. The updated database file is then included in the full powerpos download file as well to keep the database synchronised, thus it is that change in the powerpos file that I see.

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The loco database file (Resource.mdb) only holds the list of all of 'your' selected locos with their configuration parameters. The supported  loco list that HRMS periodically updates with new locos is held in a different file (possibly Locos.dat, but I'm not 100% certain if that is it). If HRMS updates the list of supported locos it does not automatically update 'your' loco if they have changed something, you would need to delete it and add it again. Thus if HRMS updates the list of supported locos it does not affect your loco list  so no 'merging' is required

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A good and valid point Nick.


Now thinking back, your suggestion would fit. When you load up RM all ones selected locos appear including manually added non Hornby ones i.e resource.mdb. You then open the 'Loco Setting' window. You then see a dialogue box appear saying something like 'loading locos' with a progress bar. This does indeed infer that the whole Hornby loco database is not held in resource.mdb

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