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Can an Elite be used as a "Walkabout"


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I already have a select and the correct cable to use it as a walkabout but I've not got it installed at the moment due to it'd limited use to me (most of my locos have long IDs). could I buy another elite and use it in the same way as the select walkabout?


If not, my layout is split into two circits with two separate buses which are insulated from eachother (the layout was originally planned to be analogue), could  use two elites one on each  circuit. My only worry about trying this is what would happen  when the train goes over the insulated rail joiners when moving from one circit to the other.  


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No - the Elite definitely cannot be used as a walkabout either from another Elite nor from a Select. The  reason for this is simply that it is not dumb enough to take commands from another controller.


The way to use 2 separate districts in DCC is by way of a booster, which is more correctly a repeater that provides a separate power supply to its own district but hears the primary district controller commands and merely passes them on to its area of control.



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No - the Elite definitely cannot be used as a walkabout either from another Elite nor from a Select. The  reason for this is simply that it is not dumb enough to take commands from another controller.


The way to use 2 separate districts in DCC is by way of a booster, which is more correctly a repeater that provides a separate power supply to its own district but hears the primary district controller commands and merely passes them on to its area of control.



Thanks Rob,


I already have a booster ftted so power loss is not an issue unless the track is very dirty as it is now!


My main problem is that I would like to have control of 3 trains at once but with only a few locos with addresses below 50 the select is not much use. I suppose I could rewrite some of the addresses but I currently use the locos running numbers for ease of identification.




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And just to provide 100% clarity. If you did connect two Elites, one to each circuit. The electrical separation would be defeated when the metal wheels of the rolling stock bridged the IRJs at the three crossing points. The risk of damaging one or both of the Elites would be very high.

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I'm in much the same boat. I have a Select hooked up to my Elite but can only use it to run those low address locos.


If you have a booster then you are almost there. Elite powering district 1, booster powering district 2, Elite sending signal to both districts and Select acting as the third hand.


All you need is for the low address locos in district 1 (or 2) to be under Select control, the others under Elite control and you have your three cabs.



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And just to provide 100% clarity. If you did connect two Elites, one to each circuit. The electrical separation would be defeated when the metal wheels of the rolling stock bridged the IRJs at the three crossing points. The risk of damaging one or both of the Elites would be very high.

That is exactly what I am worried about. I guess I'll re-connect the select, at least I'll be able to independantly operate my 3 GW Railcars, Terriers and Sentinals!


Thanks to you both



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So the answer to both original questions is no.  Then what you do is connect Elite to bus 1, then input to booster to bus 1 also, output of booster to bus 2, both Elite and booster power supplies to mains, Select Walkabout to Elite as usual (no mains connection) and you can now control locos across the entire layout, including crossing from bus 1 to bus 2 districts, using the Elite and Walkabout.


PS. There are 2 more ways detailed in the booster instructions on how to connect it, I've described what I think is the simplest.

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If you have enough space between the cross-over points at each point, (longer than the longest train!) what you could do is treat it similarly to a reversing loop, with irj's at both ends, but instead of a module, have a three position switch, to select Elite 1, OFF, and Elite 2.

When the crossing is not in use, put the switch to the centre OFF position, for safety. I would use a toggle-switch positioned so that the toggle lever 'points' to the feed controller in use, to reduce confusion.

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If you forget to do that just once, then it's possible you could blow both Elites and maybe the decoder too.

I don't have a problem with addresses below 50 on my controller because they are selected by touching the photo of them on the tablet.

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Agree with poliss 2e0, the manual system is a disaster waiting for a slip up to happen.  Accidentally have it switched to Elite 2 when driving a train in from the Elite 1 area, or vice versa, and you may well be looking for the adjustment to minimise the resulting smoke, then wait for it to clear and plug in the replacement hardware including the booster on district 2.

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