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b17 barnsley


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 Wouldn't the wipers coming away from the wheels be like slamming on the rakes rather than slowing to  halt (I know one of my locos with this problem just stops abruptly. Unless of course this loco has some kind of current storage on board

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Do the wheels stop completely or do they just fail to grip the track?

My B17 Barnsley also slows down on curves and slightly uneven track - however, it's a traction problem not an electrical one.  The front bogie seems to have no vertical play at all, and if there is even the slightest of inclines (I'm talking about going from dead flat to a rise of about 1 mm over the lenght of an R600 single straight) it lifts the front and middle driving wheels off the track.  Thus only the rear driving wheels are getting an grip on the rails.  The wheels spin happily but there's no movement of the train - it struggles with 2 or more pullman coaches in those situations.  With pickups on the tender wheels there is no problem getting electricity to the motor.

I haven't got around to adjusting the front bogie yet but I am certain that this is the solution (in my case, at least).

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@alan_quinton.........the back to back wheel measurement is important.........if the middle axle does not have enough tolerance then it won't get round curves easily.........need a vernier gauge to check.......HB

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 The B17 models I had with this issue were both Gilwell Park, there must be some sort of production issue and although I want to get a B17 I decided if Hattons knew of a problem it was probably best to leave that model alone. They described it as a drive problem.

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The problem with My B17 Barnsley, as stated earlier, was the lack of vertical movement in the front bogie, lifting the front driving wheels off the track.  I've taken the bogie and T-shaped mount off the model (very easy job with a small Phillips screwdriver) and took the screw out that mounted the bogie to the T shape.  Theres a spring to help keep the bogie pressed down on the track, and what looked like a clear plastic washer that was preventing any upward movement of the bogie.  On closer inspection it was two identical washers, one on top of the other.  I suspect that someone in the factory has been using two washers (perhaps accidentally?) where only one was needed.  I reattached everything and now my loco runs perfectly, hauling 5 Hornby Gresleys around my layout (including 3rd and 4th radius curves, and the odd bit of uneven track) without any slipping - previously it would slow down with 2-3, and struggle to start in some places).  A great improvement on previous tractive effort.  It is also running more smoothly as all the driving wheels are picking up electricity consistently, rather than just the rear ones.

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