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Only able to programme 9 Locos.


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The Select can address locos in the range 01 to 59


Looking at the Select manual, it gives no clue as to how to select addresses above 09. And as I don't have a Select I cannot advise what you need to do.


Instead of using the keypad what happens if you try to select the new address by rotating the knob clockwise. On the Elite (what I have), you can select addresses with the knob.


If the knob doesn't do anything on your Select, then try other button combinations with the keypad. For example does pressing the right arrow key followed by the number 0 button give you 10, and right arrow followed by 1 give you 11 etc.


Does pressing 'select button' again shift the keypad number range up by 10 etc.


These suggestions above are just guesses, but be assured addresses from 10 to 59 are doable, its just a case of finding the right buttons to press to access them.


I daresay, someone who has a Select will respond shortly and give you the correct procedure.


EDIT: I assume that for address 10 using the keypad you are pressing 1 then 0 and not just 0 on its own. Or if you are doing 1 then 0, what happens if you just key 0.


Try setting the address to 11 instead of 10. It is logical to assume that 11 is pressing key 1 twice. See what happens with 11.

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Does pressing 'select button' again shift the keypad number range up by 10 etc.


The above suggestion can be discounted. Pressing the 'select button' again starts the address writing process. Just been looking at some YouTube videos and seen that, but unfortunately none of the videos I reviewed used an example address above 09.


Therefore if the 'turning the knob clockwise' suggestion doesn't work, then addresses above 09 must be entered as a combination of keypad button presses, possibly in conjunction with the arrow keys.


It must be something extremely simple that you have overlooked, else I'm sure that if something more complicated needed to be done, it would be in the manual.

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The procedure is quite straightforward..........press & hold Select for 2 seconds, display shows LA......type on the keypad the two numbers if above 9, ie, 14, 26, 48 etc. the LCD will flash this number.......press Select to confirm....the red LED will flash a few times while accepting the new address.......if it flashes 8 times try re-addressing the number again..........this works on my Select.........HB

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I don't have a Select, either, but perhaps to get higher numbers than 9, you need to include the leading zero - thus making all the numbers a two digit code. ie 01, 02, - 09 then 10?

On my Elite, I have used the last two digits of the loco running numbers for i/d, except for where there is a clash, and then I use three digits.


Also - which update version of the Select do you have? That might be significant!

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Haven't had time to try again today- too busy in the garden- but will do over the weekend.

One point worth mentioning is that my select fails to operate whenever I press select or function followed by a number, but always works when the keys are pressed simultaneously. ( So if, for example I want to select sound function 8 then ‘Function’ and 8 have to be pressed at the same time. Similarly this also applies when selecting a new address code for a new loco. Perhaps this is normal or maybe peculiar to my Select controller.)

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When you power up the Select. Three numbers sequentially appear in the LCD display. For example:

10 followed by 30 followed by 03

The first two numerical characters (10 in example above) are the Select firmware revision.

10 = version 1.0

12 = version 1.2

15 = version 1.5


The 30 relates to the internal PCB revision level and the 03 is the default start up DCC loco ID address 03.


Not 100% sure, but I believe the need to press two buttons together is a limitation of one of the early firmware levels. I also believe later revision levels only require the keys to be pressed sequentially. But other Select users that contribute here will need to confirm this to be so or not.


Version 1.5 gives a lot of additional features in the Select, like for example the ability to use function numbers above F8 for Sound functions on TTS locos.


Hornby have a standard firmware upgrade charge for version 1.5 which last time it was published was £15.


What firmware revision level does your Select report during the power up cycle?

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Thanks Chrissaf.

The power up sequence is  11  30  03.  That said I’ve just had the new loco on the track, programmed it to 11 and it accepted the code first time, so problem solved!

I will however go for the firmware upgrade as the sound functions only go up to 8.


PS Obviously I could not press 11 (one and one) simultaneously so pressing  one twice worked on this occassion. 

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Roy, I did eventually find a YouTube video programing a loco address above 9 with a Select. The address was 50 and the YouTube presenter pressed 5 followed by 0. This would seem to indicate that to get address 10 you press 1 followed by 0. However, I don't know what firmware version the YouTuber had on his Select.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m putting my hands up, I made a fundamental mistake. I have a siding which serves a scrapyard with static rusting locos in the yard and a scrap wagon being brought in by a shunter.  When attempting to programme the new loco I had overlooked the shunter so had two locos on the track at the same time! It only came to light this afternoon when I was reprogramming a new loco and the presence of the shunter was under my nose!  Once removed all the new locos could be programmed from 10 upwards.  But thanks anyway for all the help.


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... this also applies when selecting a new address code for a new loco ...


To enter a Loco on the 'Select' controller, you type the Loco number first and then press the select button.

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