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Using two elink controllers

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I have two elink controllers.

What are the advantages / disadvantages of using both in one layout?

What is the optimum way to set them up?

Layout 4.0m x 1.8m.

Will have 5 loops, a passing loop and sidings.

19 electrofrog points controlled via railmaster and seep point motors.

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What is the optimum way to set them up?


There is ONLY one single option available to you for using two eLinks when used in conjunction with the same PC / RailMaster configuration. Thus, this ONLY configuration is the optimum configuration by default.


  • Controller A (eLink A) - used to provide programming track and main track control of locomotives.
  • Controller B (eLink B) - dedicated for Accessory Decoders (these include any DCC device with an integral decoder such as for example TrainTech signals).


Note: You cannot use Controller B (eLink B) to connect to the track. The output of Controller B MUST be electrically isolated from the output of Controller A. Not even if using Insulated Rail Joiners (IRJ) between track domains. The metal wheels of the rolling stock will bridge the IRJ gap and connect the controller outputs together. However, this would be a fruitless and pointless exercise anyway, see next comment.


RailMaster routes all loco commands via Controller A, thus even if you connected Controller B (eLink B) to a completely separate track layout, you cannot control any locos via it. For example you might be thinking of having a mixed layout with both 00 and N gauge on it. You couldn't use Controller B on the same RM installation for the N gauge element.


What are the advantages / disadvantages of using both in one layout?




More to go wrong.....more setting up needed......each eLink controller needs to have its own dedicated DCC signal distribution. These could be two DCC Buses, OR the track connection, plus a small DCC Bus for the Accessory Decoders. The RailMaster configuration also needs to be optimised for two eLink controllers, changes to the .INI file for example.




Locos and accessories are DCC isolated from one another. Thus the Accessory Decoders (for example R8247s) are protected from being affected by transient short circuits occurring on the main track layout.


All the power passing through Controller A is dedicated for running locos. Whilst the power supply for Controller B is dedicated to operating Accessories. Not that they need much power. The Controller A  eLink 1 amp power supply could be upgraded to 4 amps to control even more locos and the Controller B eLink power supply can remain at 1 amp for points and signals.


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  • Controller A (eLink A) - used to provide programming track and main track control of locomotives.
  • Controller B (eLink B) - dedicated for Accessory Decoders (these include any DCC device with an integral decoder such as for example TrainTech signals).



I need to disagree with Chris on one small point...

Traintech signals are designed to clip into the track and take their power and control commands from there, therefore under normal circumstances, Elink A would be used to power (and program) their decoders. It is possible to run these signals NOT clipped into the track, and to wire them up to a different (Accessory) bus - Elink B in this scenario - but this would be the exception to the rule.


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Davjan, the question you are asking is completely different to the one asked by the OP and would have been much better asked on a new thread with an appropriate title.


Your answer is that you can run a master and slave version of RM on 2 PCs on your single layout via your home wifi network. It is covered in the RM manual and also extensively  in AC's excellent separate RM Help site accessed via the top locked thread in this forum.

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