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Smoke units


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Hi, I have just recently purchased a Hornby A3 with a Seuthe smoke unit, altought I have been using DCC for a number of years this is my first adventure into smoke units,, I have read many articles regarding the use of smoke units some bad some good, but one thing really bothered me was that the smoke after coming out of the chimney vapourises and can end up as a sticky oily mess on your track and scenery,, has anyone experienced this type of thing or can give me any other pointers into the use would be much appreciated..

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Hi, thanks for the replies,,I havent actually used it yet but yes I have bought some Seuthe Oil, how much do you usually put in the unit to start it smoking, and is it best to turn it off straight away once it stops smoking,, many thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The instructions that came with the loco should advise how much oil to inject. My own Seuthe smoke unit instructions are in very poor English and make no mention of what to do if overfilled. I bourght my loco from a well respected used dealer who provided all necessary info advising to inject no more than 3ml and to switch off as soon as the smoke stopped puffing - ie empty or the unit could overheat.

So far I've had no problems with one exception; it certainly does cause a black oily residue on the rails which need to be cleaned after every use of the smoking loco.


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