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Pendolino DCC fitted


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Hello Forum,

My Train set is expanding ; I've just received a Virgin Pendolino Digital 4 car Train Pack through ebay... not exactly mint as described (an entire wheel axel had dropped off and one of the ends .. the black passageway doors had come unglued) ; but never mind.. it was only £80 (is that good?)

Anyway, I couldn't get it to move at first (tried 01 to 10)... then I put it on the programming track and set it to 06... and it still wouldn't work... but then it suddenly worked on default 03 ! Not what I was expecting... then I thought something like a reset must have happened ? It's going round fine, though and at pretty high speed.

Now I know lights are meant to work... but ON/OFF on my Elite is not doing a thing, and F01-10 are also unresponsive. The trouble is this pack did not come with any manuals or documentation, unfortunately. So my question is "Does anyone have a manual.pdf or know where I can download one ?" I searched Hornby site to no avail.

Thanks for reading... 

ciao, Roland

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@pando.........as you probably know lights are usually controlled by F0 or F8 so assuming you have tried these..... the problem is that there is a main PCB and lighting PCB in both the motored car and the dummy car so finding a fault could be quite laborious............HB

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Actually I've never had lights... so it was F0 as you suggested, howbiman, thx.

Only 2/3 work, though in reverse all 3/3 work.. and all the red backlights work. I suppose I have to replace a broken bulb ? ..that's going to be fiddley. I'm not complaining but the set is far from Mint condition ! in fact who's to tell how much use it's had ? It feels well used.. well into mid-life... but that's just a hunch.

Of course I would have bought the Pendolino pack new if I could... how come everything that comes out by Hornby gets snatched up and sold out ? There's like 1 or 2 DCC Locos available from them right now... everything else is sold out or Pre-Order.... (I guess this has been my main disappointment so far)... firstly the expense, it all feels so overpriced and that's if you can find it !!! It feels as if this is a dying hobby that I have let myself into. Hopefully not.

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The Elite on/off switch is only used to top up the coal/fuel/water on Sapphire chips.

It will not switch anything on or off despite its label.

Its all in the manual an up to date version of which can be downloaded from the Hornby downloads area

Or if you download the latest Elite firmware update that comes with a copy as well.

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yes RAF96, that On/Off switch is pretty hopeless !

it's the manual for the Pendolino that I am missing, not the Elite manualI think the Pendolino has just one function though ; lights (no sound)

thx, R

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on page three of the maintenance sheets download there is on for the digital and non digital pendo which may be of use to you.

Service sheets are 300 and 302 as appropriate.

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