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Elink programming track


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Probably a silly question but I'm new to DCC and trains in general. I have an elink and railmasterhelp set up, all running well. My question is can the track and prog sockets be connected at the same time (obviously to separate tracks) or will this confuse or overload the system.I want to wire a short length  dedicated programming track. Thanks

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Welcome to the forums Rhendo.


In theory, yes they can be, but in practice many find there is interference to programming if there is a track connection at the same time, so best not.

Thanks for your advice. Like you say, probably best not.

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While I don't own an eLink system it should follow standard protocol for DCC systems.

The programming track should be either a totally separate piece of track (Best option) or a sidings end that's isolated from the main line by two insulated rail joiners placed oposite each other and at least the longest loco / EMU / DMU length from the buffer stops plus about 50mm minimum. 

The output from the 'Track' terminals connect to the DCC bus pair of wires or the rails.  The output from the 'Programming' pair of terminals connect to the rails of the isolated programming track. Where the end of siding is used this is fed via a DPDT toggle switch so as the siding is either main line fed or only from the Programming output. 

So by using a totally separate piece of track there can never be any cross connections.

By using the DPDT toggle switch on the end of siding there is always a small risk of the isolated programming section being back feed to the wrong output while a loco is driven into the isolated section.  To overcome this a second totally isolated section of track is positioned between the main line and the programming track section. This 'middle section' is only live if all sections are set to the main line. When programming is selected its electrically dead preventing any accidently bridging of the two outputs.  Here a 4 pole Double Throw (4PDT) switch is used and offers the very best selection - Normal or Programming.

The wiring for this, plus an indicator LED, which will work with all DCC systems is shown here...  http://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/DCC.html#Programming. Scroll down to the middle isolated section wiring.

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