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Start stop loco on select controller


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I have a Class 2721 0-6-0 locomotive from the western master elink set that has devoloped a fault, now that i have started to use a select controller on the system (Elink not used at same time). It runs for a few seconds and then pauses for over 10/15 seconds then runs for 2 seconds and this repeats all the time. The loco did run perfect on the select but has developed this fault. I have tested the select and track with another loco which runs perfect. I only have 2 locos so power should not be an issue. Can anyone help please


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I would suggest as this is the only loco to do it that the decoder is possibly overloading and tripping out then back in again, etc.


The only way to prove its either the loco or the decoder is to swap the decoder for a new one and if the fault is still there its a loco problem, or try it in another loco and if the fault follows the decoder around then its a faulty decoder.

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