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Updating the Elite Digital controller to V1.42


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I am trying to update my Elite controller from version 1.41 to 1.42. I have downloaded the appropriate software and connected the controller to my computer which uses Windows 10. The software has recognised  that my Elite is connected to port 4 but when I click Download I get the error message "Error in Elite Comm!" . Whats wrong?

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more than likely you are not following the correctly timed procedure to set the Elite up for update.


press the stop button and then plug in the Elite power, wait 20 seconds then release the stop button, wait the same time again before plugging in the usb cable, wait again before executing the update file.


this will bring up a dialogue where you can check the correct com port is selected and you can also pick a pc type to get the best speed for the update on your mchine - try type 2 to start with.


if at any stage the update fails  and you render your Elite inoperative then you have to unplug it all and start again.

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Hi, thanks for your prompt reply. I have done all that and still get the same error message "Error Elite Comm!". I have even waited longer before performing each task with the same result. I have also tried restting my Elite to factory defaults and still got the same result. Everything else seems to work. I got into this because I tried to connect my Select unit to my Elite unit with the RJ12 cable so that I could convert the Select Unit to a Walkabout unit and that wouldn't work either. Probably my Elite unit is duff. Is there anyway I can get it checked out?

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does your Elite work on its own at rev 1.41. If so then there is likely nothing wrong with it. If it doesnt work and cant be updated then you can arrange with Hornby to send it back for testing.

does your Select work on its own. What rev is it at - watch the series of numbers as it starts up e.g. 10 30 03. Please note that when connecting the Select as a walkabout you must NOT connect its power supply unit, as it takes its power from the Elite in this mode. Once your Elite is up and running you can plug the Select in and you should see the startup sequence ending with 03 which is the default loco address.

if you update the Elite to v1.42 then you will have to send the Select back to Hornby for an update to ver 1.5 (15 30 03 at startup). There is a charge for this of 15 pounds. This was noted on a separate thread on here some time ago.

are you using the latest Elite ver 1.42 download as it has new capability to work with Win 10. You can tell if there is an option on the dialogue to pick pc type. If not get the latest version from the downloads page. If you pick the wrong type for your pc it will either take forever to load, or it will fail. If so choose another type Per the read me advice file in with the download.

check in device manager for the com port the Elite is on And that you are picking the same port in the Elite update.

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I am yet to be convinced of any valid reason to update my Elite to v1.42.  

If it ain't broke .......


My signature below here shows the various software versions I use and it all works perfectly.

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This from the text on the download page...


allows the Elite to use a wider range of PCs, solving a number of common difficulties and failures


As you say if it ain't broke etc....


I updated mine more out of a sense of "let's see how it goes and report back" than trying to fix any problems.



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Thank you.  

It works fine on my (new) PC and it worked fine on my last one, so no need to update for that reason.  It is a shame that the wider range of PC's are not listed so that anyone who has had a problem with a certain make/model of PC could see if it is covered now.

I have not had any failures, so no need to update for that reason.

The 'common difficulties' is not quite so easy to identify, because of course there may be some tasks that could be done easier but without knowing what they are, I will stick with a version I know works.


Pity really, because I do enjoy getting new features.

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Hi Cercot,

Raf 96 has hit the nail on the head in regards to the stop button. 

See my previous post 

How to Update the Elite to V 1.42 using windows 10

Follow those guidelines and Im sure you will get out of jail.



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