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Slave or Handheld: what's the difference

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Is anybody using both a slave pc and the handheld app along with their main railmaster? I am trying to work out what the difference is. I have handheld app running on my surface PC through the Opera browser but I could also install a copy of railmaster and slave it and re-use my handheld licence to a phone - particularly given the very low price from a certain online retailer for a full copy of railmaster. I dont think that either can run programs but are there any siginifcant advantages of a slave PC over the handheld app on a large tablet?

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I don't use 'slaves' and/or 'hand helds' myself, but going by the majority of posts on here the main difference is the screen display. A 'slave' will give pretty much a full duplicate of the 'master' as far as the screen presentation is concerned. The 'hand helds' are limited by the screen size of the device in question, with some devices (mainly phones) reporting issues with landscape vs portrait orientation.


I've been waiting to see if anybody commented that actually use the feature, but apparantly not. Hence my followup comment.

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I have decided I will install the full version on my Surface to see. As it is a tablet too I can get a direct comparison between the two. If succesful I will let the forum know what I think...may be a few days though as business is taking me away later today!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I have done a limited bit of testing and have found the following so far:


1. loco control from the master reflects on the handheld but NOT the slave

2. loco control from the handheld reflects on the master but NOT the slave

3. loco control from the slave reflects on the master but not the handheld

4. loco control from the elite only reflects on the master and NOT slave or handheld

5. Can run programs from handheld but CANNOT run programs from the slave

6. You can control turnouts from the handheld app through a web browser on a pc using a mouse - i.e. full track control - and you can control the loco with the control buttons but not the throttle slider (so you can shunt or cruise or a program speed!). To use the throttle requires a touchscreen

7. Control of turnouts from the master reflects on the handheld but NOT the slave

8. Control of turnouts from the handheld reflects on the master but NOT the slave

9. Control of turnouts from the slave reflects on the master but NOT the handheld

10. turnout control form the elite doesn’t reflect on any rail master version as far as I can tell


In summary it looks like the feedback between the handheld and the master is better and the ability to run programs is a good win on it.


For more complicated layouts and where precise control of turnouts or greater visibility of more loco controls then maybe the slave is better, but, I think all in the handheld, with a good device, is more useful

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