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Power outage


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I seem to be having some sort of trouble with my elite controller. I used it earlier with no problem and connected it to the railmaster to program some points with no issue but now there doesn't seem to be any power going to the track. I have unplugged the unit and reconnected the power feeds but nothing has worked. I don't know what I've done wrong or why this is happened. Can anyone help me out.

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I know it is a simple answer, but have you connected to the track outputs, rather than the programming link?

I have connected the power wires to the main track output and also the programming output too. I have even looked at all the connections on my track circuit and I can't find any fault with those. The last thing I did before it went wrong was connect to my computer and the railmaster software to programm some points but now there is no power to the track now. I restarted the programm and it can pick up the elite but not the track. There's no buzzing sound indicating the track has power either.

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First check is does your Elite boot up correctly, i.e. Shows the screen being checked and then reports the revision state.


If not then check the PSU is producing power by using a meter on the jack plug.


If all that is Ok then use the meter on the elite track terminals. THatbshould at least tell younbetter where the problem lies.

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Oh wait a second I seem to have found out the problem. It turns out I was jumping ahead of myself and had left some trains on the tracks at the time of programming! 🤔 So when I tried to run them they were not registered. I gotta confess and say that I was in a rush to get it all up and running in time for my family to see when they come to visit in a day or two. Anyway the problems solved now and lesson learnt. Thanks for all you help and advice.

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The last thing I did before it went wrong was connect to my computer and the railmaster software to programm some points..................and had left some trains on the tracks at the time of programming!


You have learn't the hard way, why the Hornby R8247 Accessory Decoder should be disconnected from the track and connected directly to the Elite program output when undertaking re-programming activities.


I have made a special lead for this. Basically a pair of wires with crimped ferrals at both ends. This allows the R8247 to stay exactly where it is in-situ with all its point wiring still attached. Then it is just a case of disconnecting the DCC IN wire connections (two screws) and connecting my custom lead in their place. The other end of the lead connects to my Elite program track output.

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