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elink short circuit

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I know there are a number of threads on this but cannot find an answer


I think I have version 1.64

the elink seems to drop out at the slightest hint of short circuit and cant get it back for up to 15 minutes this is by disconnecting  usb or power and then closing railmaster and then re opening.

During this period the pc says the usb device has malfunctiond


there are no short circuit messages, green light is on straight away on elink. I only have the 1 amp power supply as supplied with elink, have checked ini file and and the last few lines are as follows

Alternative Comms=1
Check controller=0
Alternative Comms2=0
Check controller2=0
Elite feedback=0

I have not changed these as the version is after the date of the thread recommending changing

I am using windows 10

please help


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ok uninstalled everything reinstalled and now the little reset button seems to work which is much better,

still no indication that there is a problem should a message come up and is there a way of making it a little less sensative to elink dropping out so easily

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I would change Check controller=0 to Check controller=1

leave all the others as are.


Check controller=1 forces RM to check the eLink status every 5 seconds or so. It would appear that after the short has been cleared, that the status of the eLink is not being updated within RM.


I don't use eLink (I have Elite), but I believe that the Alternative comms and Check controller entries also affect whether 'short circuit' screen messages are displayed when using an eLink.


I think I have version 1.64


The version number is shown in a very small yellow box just to the left of the clock in the bottom right hand side corner. See example below:





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thanks for the reply

yes it is version 1.64

just tried to change ini file

opened file and changed as you say but it wont save

message comes up access is denied

I have tried changing permissions in security to allow edit and write but it still wont save

it opens in notepad

am i doing something wrong

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Save it as rm1.ini, then delete the old .ini file and rename the new one to rm.ini, where rm is the original filename (I dont have RM open so cant check it).


If you mess it all up then RM will reinstate a default .ini file at next reload (From the download link at page top) And you can try again.

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Easier solution. Don't try and edit the .INI file from outside RM using MS Windows Explorer or Notepad. Trying to do so, gives the 'permissions' violation results you have documented.


  1. Within RM 1.64 click the Help ? button - Top navigation row
  2. On the 'About' window you should see a 'COG' wheel icon. This is the inbuilt RM .INI file editor.
  3. Click it and follow the on-screen prompts.
  4. Make your changes and save the file before exiting the editor.


All this is in the RM manual....see pages 32 & 33, maybe not as detailed as in this thread, but it is all covered on those pages.


The 'COG' icon looks like this /media/tinymce_upload/5eba025c94257621c216a173d064607e.jpg

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For the general passby reader.


The 'COG' icon /media/tinymce_upload/c5ae7dc23bf08c8308231b724ca640da.jpg appears more than once within various views of RM. I can't remember 'off hand' where all the others are. Just click on them to see what they do.

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Just for completeness of information and for anybody who just can't find the COG.


  1. Make sure that RM is not running.
  2. Search for and find "notepad.exe"
  3. Right Click 'notepad.exe' and choose 'run as administrator'.
  4. Using the notepad.exe menu 'open file' option to navigate to the RM program folder and open railmaster.ini
  5. Make your changes and save file.


Running 'notepad.exe' as administrator and loading the railmaster.ini from within the notepad file system, ensures that all the correct file/folder permissions are set correctly. But to be honest, it is just a darn site easier to use the inbuilt RM editor COG icon.

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sorry could not reply earlier am restricted to 3 posts a day

Thankyou for your help and found the cog and altered the ini. file and saved.

however still not getting a message that there is a problem

I loaded a trial version on  a computer with xp but still could not get the short circuit message

Just to go through whats happening again

dcc is powered up and connected to track and pc

open railmaster and get a user account control saying

Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your pc

enter yes

railmaster opens and checks for updates

train operates fine create a short circuit but cant see any messages there is a green box with the word status next to it which i assume might be where a message would appear

train wont work until red button is puhed and it resets dcc controller

also if i look in device manager it does not show up under usb

using com3

below is complete copy of ini file

Tipper speed=80Tipper timer=86.4Turntable speed=40Turntable timer=23.56Points timer=0.75Conveyor speed=65TCP start port=30Check serial ports=1Show upgrade button=1Allow deactivate=1Use default curves=1Polling time=5Confirm delete=1Classic buttons=0Show point indicators=1Uncoupler time=5Detection Timeout=5Button bar vertical=0Throttle timer=5Handheld plan area=1,1,135,135Program tick sound=1PING time=60Reset eLink on start=1Enable mouse=1Warn static IP=1Load Hornby locos=1Point button arrows=1Spoken confirmation=0Controllers on top=1Double pulse=0Alternative Comms=1Check controller=1Alternative Comms2=0Check controller2=0Elite feedback=0


have put as much information as i could think of


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sorry could not reply earlier am restricted to 3 posts a day

I think you'll find Stevie that the restriction you mention (above) is for the first 24 hours of forum Membership only. You should be able to post at will now. I have asked Adam (forum Admin.) for clarification just in case you are getting an erroneous warning message. R-

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Unfortunately as I don't have an eLink only Elite I can't help further. I don't get any on screen short circuit messages with an Elite....I think this is the normal expected behavior when using Elite.


However, in the absence of any eLink users offering further advice.


On your main Windows 10 RM machine...the one that you will be using with the activated RM version. Go back to the 'Help' screen. You will find a 'Request Support' option there. Use it to explain your missing screen short circuit message issue. Do this just after going through the process of creating a short and recovering from it. All your actions and how RM is interacting is captured in a 'Log' file. The 'Support Request' will send the 'Log' file attached to your support request message along with other support files. HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support) will be able to analyse the contents and hopefully offer a solution.


You should get an automated on screen acknowledgement message within a few seconds, and a confirmation e-mail in your registered RM e-mail account a few minutes after that. If you don't get these messages (or an error message instead) then your support request has probably not got through having been blocked by your PC Anti-virus or PC Firewall (this failure should in theory be unlikely if you have successfully previously activated your copy of RM as the activation process would have also failed if you had a PC security configuration issue.)


For reference: The external direct contact email for HRMS is support@rail-master.com

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Just to add to what Chris has said about sending a help request from within RM.


I have had these requests say they have failed to go when in fact they have gone as proven by way of the response email.


I have also found that whilst the request is going through it is wise not to fiddle with anything, just wait until you get the complete message before clicking on other stuff, else the request process can fall over.

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@ Steve


After hearing from Adam I confirm the situation regarding post restrictions for you and anyone else reading this. New Members will be restricted to 3 posts per 24 hour period until they get to their 5th post - after which you can post at will. Ironically, Steve it was your 08:30 post this morning (in which you said your posts were restricted) that broke your count through that barrier.  😎



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I liked to thank all for there help I did send request to railmaster and was advised to do what you had already stated.

so wasnt sure what to do.

I then searched windows 10 and elink and google came up with one of your threads and buried in there was a paragraph saying it worked as soon as I realised you had to add the lines to the ini file and not amend.

I thought well worth a try and added the following

"Alternative comms=1" and "Check controller=1" lines on the bottom although it still had the amended lines above and hey presto it worked

Im sure this isnt quite right and perhaps it should be cleaned up but im just happy it works


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