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converting to digital


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Hi Sam, if your loco is DCC ready it will have a socket already installed but with a DC plug in it, known as a blanking plug. Just, carefully, take that out and instal a decoder of your choice. No need to pay anyone else. R-

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Remove the body, remove the DCC blanking plug and plug in the decoder.

Test and refit the body.


Problem is you have to know which type of decoder you need, usually a choice between 8 or 21 pin. THis will be indicated on the box or in the instructions That come with the loco.


Some locos may require 2 decoders , eg DMU or EMU.


edit - beaten to it by Rog...

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 I would also add that some manufacturers have started to use 6 pin decders as well. In some smaller locos it's easy to plug the chip in but getting the body back together can be challenging. What locos do you have in mind?


Some of the easiest I've done have been the Hornby Star, Hall and County and other  Railroad 4-4-0s where the 8 pin chip is in the tender  

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  • 3 weeks later...

instructions for converting a DCC ready loco:

1. Take out of box or off track

2. Open body

3. Locate blanking chip

4. Remove blanking chip (usually 8 pin chip)

5. Plug decoder in where blanking chip was.

6. Test as number 03 on digital system.

7. Close bodyshell

8. Program as other number. No Loco should be assigned as 3.

Play trains. Use only Digital trains on a digital system. XYZ

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