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RailMaster - Next Update Plus Latest re-Signals - Feathers

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Due to the last update to RailMaster being February and that a number of members have discussed when we may expect the next update I contact HRMS to see what they could tell us.


I also wanted to contact following on from Signalling issues in the past and the fact Feather/Directional Route Indicators had been included in RM for coming up 2 years and still do not work.


HRMS have kindly replied to numerous messages sent to them, these are the updates and replies:


1 - When can we expect the next update to RM?

There has not been an urgent need to provide a RailMaster program update, other than minor updates that are downloaded silently.  There is no point issuing an update for the sake of 
it.  The next update will contain useful things and most likely appear before Christmas.


2 - When can we expect Route Indicator/Feathers to work in RM?

Feather will be fully incorporated (with separate operation rather than linked to green signals) within the next or following update.  We are currently working with Train-Tech signals although this should work with others.


This to me seemed a reasonable decision, it takes away the complex programming of signal and feather together, after all we already have the facility in signals to program and talk to each other and to points of our choice. 


With this in mind I informed HRMS that I was considering purchasing separate feathers from CR Signals to fit to the Train-Tech signals. I already had one CR Signal feather and had tried it against the signal, it looked in proportion and was easy to fit. I purchased two new route indicators from CR Signals, I also purchased some SC1 Train-Tech One Touch decoders from Train-Tech to control the feathers. One SC1 will control 2 feathers so at £17 it made this quite reasonable. Feathers are just £12 each.


To work in RM I used a signal icon to match the aspects of my signal and a separate 2 aspect signal for the feather. Initially I added the two signals together but I found it quite frustrating as I have so many signals. So in the end I placed a signal with feather on the layout where required (with feather only to draw my attention to the fact this signal uses a feather, the feather here doesn't work). I then placed the 2 aspect signal in the border of my layout in line with the signal. This naturally is only a temporary measure until RM works with feathers as they have stated in their reply mentioned above.


I started out my addressing signals in 10's starting at 71 and feathers in 10's starting at 76. Signal 81 didn't have a feather but signal 91 did and was addressed to 96. 


Concentrating on these two signals (both 3 aspect) and these to feathers (both 2 aspect) I began testing them to see if there were any faults or software bugs.


Test-1 was to manually change the signal from within RM

Test-2 was to manually change the feather from within RM

(Checking operation on both layout and screen for every test made)

They both worked correctly.


Test-3 was to program changes within the signals themselves so that when the signal was Red the Feather (showing Red) on the 2 aspect signal was Off. When the signal was Yellow or Green the feather could be on or off.

They worked correctly.


Test-4 was to remove the Test-3 program lines from signals and program a branch/turn out. So that when the point was set to straight the signal could be Red, Yellow or Green and the feather was Off. Also when the branch/turn-out was set to branch the signal could be Red, Yellow or Green and the feather would be On. Additional commands were added to change both points in the branch, and to turn signals where track is leading to a branch to red to stop locos approaching when the points are branched.

They worked correctly.


Test-5 was to set up a route program and let this program make the changes. In this test the points changed as they should but issues where found with the working of the feather/route indicators. At this point Ray remembered a previous issue we had reported where signals using an address which could be divided by 4 had given issues and refused to work correctly.


As the feather addresses were 76 and 96, both dividable by 4, I changed these and tried further tests. Initially I tried address' 75 and 95 but this created even more problems, although this should have been alright as a 3 aspect used address' 71 & 72 and the feather 75 it seemed maybe Hornby have some code in trying to get feathers to work in the past so to play safe I raised the gap to 77 & 97 for each feather.

The result was encouraging the signals and feathers all work correctly.


To conclude, there is still a bug with the divide by 4 address but until found signals and feathers can be controlled as stated. Once HRMS have removed any feather related code, and created two icons for a left and a right route indicator to work as a 2 aspect signal (basically 1 address either on or off for the feather) then the temporary 2 aspect signals can be removed.


I will include an image in the next post, which will have to wait for moderator approval, it will show how the signals and temporary feather signals are placed on my Schematic layout.


HRMS have replied to the latest email regarding the outcome of the tests, they confirm there is data to be removed from the existing software that was added for the feathers (that haven't worked), this is understandable but should not be hard for them to do, and the replacement software being a simple 1 address on/off switch should also be easy for them to incorporate, the software includes a lot more, more complicated work that this. 


I have asked them, when they work on the feather/route indicators if they can make the icons 50x20 instead of 50x50 as the present signals and feathers in RM take up 50x50 with the attached feather taking up 50x20 above it. The concern here is if the signal takes up a 50x50 space in the Schematic layout and we have to add another 50x50 above it for a feather (that only takes up a small amount of the icon space) the space will cause us more issues as space around branches is already congested with point buttons, for those who have 2,3 or 4 tracks wide with branches and slips it could be very congested.


We can only leave it with HRMS and hope that this is sorted and in the next update, I think we have been very patient, loyal customers, it would be sad to see this drag into another year.


An image will be added to next post as stated above bt it will require moderators approval. 

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I have included here an image of my Schematic Layout showing...


- Signals with feathers... as explained above feathers do not work they just show the signal includes a feather/route indicator.


- 2 Aspect signals temporarily in the border adjacent the signal is works with, either above, below or to the right.


Rather than use show point and signal addresses within RM I have used text which can be placed neatly where required, under or in the lower section of the signal e.g. <91 where 91 is the signal address and < being the direction of travel. For the feather/signals in the borders I have again used text and added for example <91/97 so it is clear which is which at a glance. This is just my choice, making it work for me. The numbering act as signal numbers. 




Note not all signals are installed yet but they are included on the Schematic layout plan.

71/77 and 91/97 are the only signals with feathers installed to date. 

I am very pleased with the feathers and have another order coming.


Both signals with feathers have been relocated since this image, the picture is mainly to show the CR Signals feather/route indicator fit to a Train-Tech signal.

Caution work in progress.  😮

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Going slightly off topic here Paul but looking  at your minimalist representation of ballasting I think it is just as effective in my eyes as the full fat stones everywhere method. I think I will adopt your method rather than the traditional method.


As for the rest of it...looking very good and its surprising how complex the schematic has to be to echo the actual track mechanics.


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Hi Rob


It is only 3mm cork coated with one coat of emulsion, chocolate truffle, matt, from HomeBase.


I have been considering, although a million hours from now, (last job), there has to be a lightweight alternative out there somewhere. Mix with a little PVA is a thought but what I don't know. I am open to ideas. 


I have even through of mixing PVA and brown emulsion and stipple it but it could be messy. 


What ever I think of or hear of, it will mean a few experiments on bits of board.


There has to be a lightweight alternative!


Keep the ideas coming guys... >>> in a new thread <<<


The above images were really to show Train-Tech signals with CR Signals route indicators and how we can for now get round the RM issue that they don't work as Hornby originally planned.

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I have often though there must an 00 gauge version of that vermiculite insulation stuff you could pour into your loft years ago. Then if you could mix it with emulsion paint so you got a kind of corky masonary paint sludge.

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Interesting this is a good example...  of how easy it is to go off topic   😮


Having said that ideas are good to share. 


My first thought is not what we may do with it but how much one would have t purchase.


My thoughts with the product, this or any other suitable sized product are, 

-  how porous is the product

- the stuff could be split into 2 or 3 batches, each coloured slightly different

- pva could possibly be used, watered down to have a slight gloss to some or all batches.


Plenty of room for thought I think   😀


If there are many more ideas or comments it would be best to start a new thread. HRMS will be watching this thread but may be put off with off topic messages.

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