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Outstanding RM Issues

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HRMS has made statement to PJ-Trains that only minor updates are in the pipeline and on that basis the next update will be around Xmas.


To ensure that they are aware of everthing and nothing gets missed, would you all be so kind as to list those items you have already reported but for which a fix has yet to be seen.


I will start the ball rolling with:

when a second throttle is expanded (only possible in Pro) and a stop command is given from that throttle, the loco remains running at slow speed, which is not exactly Shunt button speed. If stop is then selected on the matching small throttle the loco stops. THis was reported months ago and has yet to be fixed to the best of my knowledge.

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Recently reported - but nevertheless an outstanding issue with iPad control. Another user and I have found that the pinch and zoom facility in both portrait and landscape mode on the iPad has stopped working. Additionally, point control is now not possible in landscape mode - although it works in portrait. I have reported this and HRMS have said they are attempting to replicate the issue on their own iPad (9 August). R-

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Reported nearly a year ago but still present.

When using an expanded throttle and selecting various functions, after de-selecting and then re-selecting the same throttle, the functions have changed state in some cases. (randomly) This also applies to the pro version using one or two throttles.

It would be nice if this were fixed as it is very cofusing at times.

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Terry has prompted my memory about other long reported function problems ....

on the expanded throttle if you change between say a diesel TTS loco and either a steam TTS loco or one with fewerfunctions than the previous loco the screen does not refresh properly and you are left with those extra function buttons showing on the subsequent screen.


In addition to this the functions often list out of numerical sequence, eg F0 - F1 - F2 - F3 - F5 ......F9 - F4.

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Of all of the faults I have reported, the one which affects my enjoyment the most, is .......


The rate of speed change in the acceleration/deceleration commands in a program varies depending on the time position within the program of such a command. HRMS have never provided any comment, let alone solution, to this, even though I have provided several simple demonstration programs to them. These programs have been tested by other members of the forum who can verify my findings. I myself have tested them on three different pc's.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In order to keep this post near the top of the RM Forum, here is another unresolved problem...


There is a parameter which can be set for points in a layout diagram which determines the firing order of the point when it is set at startup. If this field is left blank or set to zero, the point is not set at start up. There is a similar parameter for signals, but at start up,  all signals are set, even those with a firing order blank or zero.



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Setting points startup firing order is a Pro feature as far as I can remember without referring to the manual, although Rays statement about also having to input a number if you want them to test fire points at startup is valid, regardless of if you have the feature ticked or not.

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I'm fairly sure I have reported this in via the system but if not it was mentioned in subsequent despatches to HRMS.


RM does not support more than F0-F25 so you have to be selective about which TTS (and full fat) decoder functions you want on screen.


RM should support all functions available on Hornby sound decoders.


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Setting points startup firing order is a Pro feature as far as I can remember without referring to the manual, although Rays statement about also having to input a number if you want them to test fire points at startup is valid, regardless of if you have the feature ticked or not.

I'm quite happy with the way points are set at startup. The emphasis of my "fault report" was that signals are handled differently in that all signals are set at startup, even those with a zero or blank firing order parameter.


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My main issue is with the scheduler. It will work once after starting RM but only if the program had been preset from the previous session. It will run the first one then all others are ignored. If I add a schedule, it will not run until the next time RM is started and then only if it is the "first in line".

The throttle sliders need some work also. If I increase the speed, nothing happens until I click the forward or reverse button again, then the loco goes to the new speed.

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I had forgotten that the "further options"/media/tinymce_upload/261284e7906c1d67b33574a421af32ec.PNG


part of the point/signal set up box does not always appear (for me anyway - as per the attached diagram). This was reported on 12 April and, by chance, I have just discovered that it still behaves that way. A tad annoying as the only way I have found around the issue is to delete the signal and start again. Happily (!) the fault occurs failry early on in the process of adding other points/signals, but if you had lots of interconnected items......... R-


Not sure why the image came out there - I put it at the end, honest. Hopefully you can work it out. R-

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Hi Roger,

I opened up my layout in Track Designer then right-clicked every one of my 21 signals, and they all opened up the full configurtaion window.



All of my signals are configured as TrainTech decoders. I wonder if that makes a difference?


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What happens Ray if you make a change in the R/H part (Other Point/Signal) to link with another accessory? It is when I do this and then close and re-open the settings window that the "short" version appears. R-

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