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Outstanding RM Issues

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What happens Ray if you make a change in the R/H part (Other Point/Signal) to link with another accessory? It is when I do this and then close and re-open the settings window that the "short" version appears. R-

Hi Roger,

I tried that and closed the configuration window. When I reopened it, it was still the full window, and the settings I had made were still there - sorry 😢


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It looks as though there is some sort of correlation between the Program Colour Scheme and the stability of what happens in the Other Points/Signals set-up window. The Classic scheme seems to be the most stable for signals and less so for points with lines 2 and 3 emptying themselves when the pop-up is closed or they stay populated but you can't get all the aspects of the signal you want to link to.


I also remembered (coffee is a marvellous beverage) that there was an issue with the ID numbers given to signals not being divisible by ???? (my memory is not that good) but I have so far failed to find those posts.



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It looks as though there is some sort of correlation between the Program Colour Scheme and the stability of what happens in the Other Points/Signals set-up window. The Classic scheme seems to be the most stable for signals and less so for points with lines 2 and 3 emptying themselves when the pop-up is closed or they stay populated but you can't get all the aspects of the signal you want to link to.


I also remembered (coffee is a marvellous beverage) that there was an issue with the ID numbers given to signals not being divisible by ???? (my memory is not that good) but I have so far failed to find those posts.



I've never used anything but the Classic colour scheme. There is an issue with the addresses of TrainTech signals which are exactly divisible by 4. This has been reported and, as far as I know is still outstanding.

I'll give another colour scheme a try to see if it makes a difference to the layout designer.


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Thanks Ray. If you could try changing various elements in both point and signal set-up I think you will see what I mean. If I were you I'd set up a dummy layout or use one of the Hornby ones just so that you don't mess up your "in use" one. R-

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Hi Roger,

I've tried all of the different colour schemes, 3 or 4 "other points/signal" entries in both a point and signal definition, and whenever I close and reopen the definition window, it is always full size and the entries I have made are still intact. The dropdown lists are still intact also.

Have you tried a re-installation of the latest version?


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I have re-installed the latest update over the current (which was the latest) one with no change (as I expected). This is what was happening yesterday when I had the "White" theme installed.



I have recorded another video which seems to have disappeared into the depths of the laptop. I will publish that when I find it 😀



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Ok - here is the 2nd one, now with the Classic theme adopted. This is the subsequent issues of missing options and linked actions being deleted.



Initially you will see that the full range of signal aspects (3 aspect distant) for the signal being associated with the point are not available, even after open/close of the set-up box. I then open another accessory as this seems to be the action that upsets the applecart. Going back to the point box you will see that all aspects are now avaiable - but get deleted after the open/close routine. It seems to be always just lines 2 & 3 no matter what is in there.


Confudulating isn't it? R-

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Hi Roger,

Having seen your video, I have been able to recreate your problem partially. I configured a point so that its left button (red) requested a TrainTech 4-aspect to change to red, and its right button (green) requested the TT to change to green. This worked ok, in that those settings were still there when I reopened the config window. Then I set the signal requests to Y and YY instead of R & G. This time it had lost these settings when the config window reopened. Also, as you pointed out, when the point config is first opened, the Y & YY aspects for the TT signal are not available until you have closed that window, looked at the signal config, then returned to the point - only then are all 4 aspects of the signal available within the point config dropdowns. By the way, this happens both in the Classic colour scheme and the "White" colour scheme.

I still haven't managed to get the window to lose completely the other points/signals box, however.


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In a sad way I am relieved to hear that Ray, if only that the issue can be found on another system. I am hopeful that HRMS will read this thread, view both videos, and take on board that there is a fault. I have already reported this to them so no further need for that I guess. It would be nice to have these things acknowledged, though. R-

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In a sad way I am relieved to hear that Ray, if only that the issue can be found on another system. I am hopeful that HRMS will read this thread, view both videos, and take on board that there is a fault. I have already reported this to them so no further need for that I guess. It would be nice to have these things acknowledged, though. R-

I think if PJ has been following this thread, he'll have a wry smile on his face right now  😉


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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately I have not been following the thread to closey due to working on the 3 dozen signals added to the layout and 14 now with CR Signals RI's (Route Indicators).


Having pulled myself out of the nest of wires from beneath the layout and actually started to see daylight...

I would hate to let you guys down... smile PJ   😉

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@HRMS/forum members


A short message to confirm an issue with 2 aspect signals. (Short message 😀)


Several weeks of testing has been carried out, including discussions with Ray who also tested the faults found and shared his comments and input, thank you Ray.


Testing included - programming points to change signals and points, and programming signals to change signals and points. The tests used Train-Tech 2, 3 and 4 aspect signals and Cobalt Slow action points motors.


The good news is that points changed ALL signals and points correctly.

The good news is also that 2 aspect signals changed 3 and 4 aspect signals and points correctly.

The good news is also that 3 and 4 apect signals worked as they should and as requested in the programs.


The only issue found was that 2 aspect signals didn't change as requested from a program line in another signal, 2A to 2A, 3A to 2A or 4A to 2 aspect.


So as to consider as many options as possible, Ray also did a test using point buttons to simulate a 2 aspect signal. These also worked correctly. Hopefully together we have covered all options and it appears the issue is down to just the 2 aspect signal not working from program commands from signal to signal.


Example 1 - take a number of sidings with one exit to a main line, a loco plans to leave one siding therefore all others sidngs signals should be Red to stop other locos leaving the siding they are in. The 2 aspect signals didn't change. (but if a 3 or 4 aspect signal was put in place of the 2 aspect ones (for testing purposes only) the Red and Green aspects worked as programmed).


Example 2 -  would be where a 2, 3 or 4 aspect signal may request a change to a Route Indicator (RI), the feather being the equivalent to a 2 aspect signal (a 2 aspect signal was used to simulate the RI ). The Result was that 4, 3 and 2 aspect signals do not change another 2 aspect signal. (So they will also not change a RI)


HRMS have been informed yesterday afternoon and three different signal plans have been provided to show the problem. This message is included simply to share the information and as a record of the issue found.


This small issue should hopefully when fixed clear the signal problems, (I am sure HRMS will say, small it may seem, but it will need a lot of checking) possibly, at least they know which direction they are looking, programming in signals to other signals and programming from 4,3 and 2 aspects to 2 aspect signals. Once the issue is fixed adding RI's should be simple for them to do. 😉


A final thought as I add these details, the only test not carried out (I think) is programming signals in Route programs, I will try this tomorrow so that we have hopefully covered all possibilities, having said that I do not expect to find the issue in route programs as it is a simple command saying in effect, this or that signal red, or Y or YY or Green, the issue above issue is different it is signal to signal program request.

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