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DCC black 5 no.44694 not responding


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Hi guys,

I was just playing with my dcc black 5 and I accidently accelerated it into a siding and into a buffer. It didn't derail, but after that, the DCC select just kept flashing OL or 0L or something like that, and i kept trying the press select but it kept flashing that. After that i tried turning off and on the select but it kept flahing that. Only after I removed the loco from the track and put it back on it stopped. I have programmed the loco to number 3, but once i turned the dcc select on again, and slected 03, and increased the throttle, nothing happened. I removed the wires connecting the select to the track and put them in again, swapped the sides they were on, removed the power track and put it in again, and at sometimes the train would start to move, but once i pulled the knob back to zero throttle and tried to accelerate it again, it wouldn't respond. What should I do, have any of you faced this problem and if so can you help me solve it? Thanks. By the way, the decoder in the loco is an Olivia's sound dcc decoder. I bought it the loco off hattons. P.S my layout is the standard oval plus all track packs but f. I tried testing out if my two other locos (the ones that came in the mixed freight set) responded to the select, and they did, and even if i gave them a new number, they would still respond. Is there something wrong with the actual loco? Thanks

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