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Reverse Loop Module not available


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Greetings from Tasmania, I am a newbie building a room size DCC layout using E-Link and Railmaster with a 5 amp 15 V power supply, on a dedicated laptop; which contains one reverse loop (I think). I have read on this web site that the RLM is currently unavailable. Is there an alternative easy soloution or product for preventing shorts or should I redesign the layout?   Looking at a popular online auction site it appears there are still some RLM's available,  Also I notice that the Hornby RLM has a switch for Select or Elite, if I purchase online what setting would I use for E-Link and RM?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Thank You  - Chris 

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Hi Chris


Welcome to the forum.


Hattons have more than 10 in stock




No idea about postage to Tasmania though - probably about £58  😎 


From another forum (credit Flashbang)


They should work with any DCC system.The switch alters the trip current of the RLM, as the Select is only a 1.0Amp system as sold but the Elite is 3.0Amp to track.


I don't have an E-link to hand but someone will tell us what to set the switch to.



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The switch names on the Hornby RLM (Reverse Loop Module) are mis-leading. They relate to the current of the controller power supply. The 'Select' switch position is for controllers with the Hornby 1 amp power supply. The 'Elite' switch position is for controllers with the Hornby 4 amp power supply. You have stated a 5 amp 15 volt supply, so presumably that power supply is not a Hornby branded one. However, the Hornby RLM should be in the 'Elite' switch position for use with a 5 amp supply.


Just for completeness of information and for the benefit of other readers. If using an eLink with the default 1 amp power supply as shipped with the eLink. The Hornby RLM would use the 'Select' switch position.


You do not need to use a Hornby branded RLM. The RLM is a basic standard bit of DCC hardware. It doesn't rely on any software based controller control. A RLM is completely autonomous in operation. Any brand RLM will work. I use TamValley RLM products (DCC Dual Frog Juicer and Auto-Reverser) with my Elite 4 amp supply and are half the price of Hornby as they are bare PCBs and not cased.


Note: For best results use the 2 amp configuration setting on the TamValley RLM when using a genuine Hornby 4 amp power supply. Your 5 amp supply, if able to give a full 5 amp output, may work OK with the TamValley 4 amp configuration option, but personally I would still stick with the 2 amp configuration on the TamValley RLM for maximum switching reliability. Having 2 amps of current on a Reverse Loop (RL) section of track is more than adequate, as it equates to about 4 to 6 locos running simultaneously within the confines of the RL section. Far more than you would probably ever need in practice.


EDIT: Roger got in just ahead of me with his reply.


PS - If you posted your proposed layout design as an image. We could confirm to you, whether you do indeed have a RL in the design and need a RLM or not.


PS - I assume that your nearest TamValley dealers (to Tasmania) are in Australia.


Australia . Model Railroad Craftsman . Gwydir Valley Models . J&J Hobbies . Brunel Hobbies . 
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Thank you for your advice, the power supply is a power supply for a laptop computer. Yes I would very much appreaciate you confirming that I do have a RL. I have read previous posts Re capturing an image as a JPEG, so will do that in the next day or so. I must say the Hornby Forums are an excellent source of detailed information for a DCC novice!, cheers Chris 

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Just for reference....here are links to two previous threads where I have given RLM design advice based on the OP (Original Poster) providing an image of their layout design. It gives you an indication of the level of help available to you if you decide to accept it.





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Hello Again and thanks again for your offer to check my layout. I have two alternative plans marked in the images as Plan A and B. Plan A has a Y Point on the left hand side as well as L and R hand points at the front of the layout and with two short sidings. The track out of view is a simple double oval through the tunnel over the viaduct and connect to the tracks in the foreground. I'm not sure if there is a Reverse Loop at point #1.

Plan B has the same double oval out of view but looks like it has at least one RL at point #2, this is my preffered layout plan, subject to it being workable.I would be very pleased with your thoughts, no rush just a mock up at this stage


Kind regards,  Chris  




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Unfortunately it is necessary to see the whole layout in plan view as there may be other hidden RL paths to consider. If you look at the drawings in the two links in the post above yours above, you can see the type of layout image needed.


Hand drawn on paper then scanned is a suitable alternative, but it is necessary to see the whole layout topology.


There are at least two RLs in the top photo (Plan B) that I can see, there may be more.

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Hello again and thanks for the above links. Below are my two alternative plans with Plan B being my preferred option. Re points being used, points # 7 & 8 are Hornby fitted with DCC Elec Clips while the remaining points are Peco Insulfrogs,  Point # 2 is not required in Plan A.    regards Chris




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Hi Chris, you only have one reverse section in both plans. Between Point 2 and Point 9 in Plan B and between Point 1 and Point 9 in Plan A.


PS try googling ajm railway, you may find something that will interest you for reasonable prices shipped to Australia.

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I concur with Woody's RL assessment. I suggest configuring the reverse loop as per drawing below.




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Hello and many thanks for all your replies and the leads to product availability. The information is very much appreciated, I can now proceed with confidence so as not to cause damage or shut downs due to short circuits, this is a very helpful and friendly forum!,  regards  Chris

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