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Hornby DCC Select


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Hi there 

Would anyone be able to tell me the size of the power socket on the back of the dcc select controller I need a new power supply and don't wish to pay 30+ from hornby I am looking to buy one from maplin would anyone know the correct one to buy and or the plug size 

thanks in advance 

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Hornby use a non standard size DC coax connector on their power supplies. The chance of finding a non Hornby power supply that is 15 volts DC at between 1 amp & 4 amps (see note below) with the correct connector that is also cheaper than the Hornby supply will be like trying to find 'Hens Teeth'. I am definitely 100% certain that what you are looking for is NOT available from Maplin.


Note: the standard shipped supply for the Select is rated at 1 amp, but is 100% compatible with the Hornby P9300 4 amp power supply.


The Hornby DC coax connector has an outer diameter of 6.3 mm with an inner pin diameter of 3.1 mm.


Standard DC Coax connectors are typically 5.0 mm or 5.5 mm outside diameter with a 2.1 mm or 2.5 mm diameter inner pin. These will be too loose in the Hornby Select power input socket and will not fit properly. Although many other smaller sizes are available, DC connector sizes larger than 5.5 mm / 2.5 mm are very rare.


If you can find a 6.3 mm / 3.1 mm connector as a component locally, then you could then re-terminate a power supply of suitable voltage / current specification with it. You won't be able to use the connector taken off a Hornby power supply as they are moulded onto the connecting power lead. I suspect Hornby use this unusually large connector size because of the current that needs to be passed through it. You will need a 'switch mode power supply designed for use with digital products as switch mode power supplies can be electrically noisy and affect digital circuitry.


I couldn't find any local 'over the counter' supplier of this larger size connector. Eventually I tracked down a supplier on eBay. I bought mine earlier this year from the URL link below. It was the only component supplier I could find in the UK that sells them. I wanted to make up a Hornby controller power lead using my lab bench power supply for testing purposes. My normal Hornby power supply is fixed permanently under my layout and would be too inconvenient to disconnect to move temporarily to my work bench.


PS - The +ve voltage is on the inner DC coax connector pin.



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I couldn't find any local 'over the counter' supplier of this larger size connector. Eventually I tracked down a supplier on eBay.


Maplin FM47B must be a relatively new addition to the Maplin product line. There was nothing similar that they stocked when I was searching for mine. Maplin was one of the first suppliers I checked.



I am definitely 100% certain that what you are looking for is NOT available from Maplin.


I still stand by my statement above that a suitable direct replacement power supply complete with the correct plug and significantly cheaper than Hornby will not be found as a Maplin product.


You could look at these possible candidates from the Maplin range. They have the required 15 volt voltage but the size of the DC connector is not stated and would need to be checked with Maplin. Two of them R50CF & R50DA are 5 amp rated and may be above a safe limit that Hornby might recommend (4 amp). On that basis, I would be wary of using them. The third L48BL is rated 15 volts at 1.2 amps. This is the nearest I could find to the Select 1 amp supply, the DC connector size for the L48BL is stated but not the size required..

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By the time you have wasted time finding a suitable plug and then a suitable Power Supply Unit, you may as well buy the Hornby 4 Amp version which is well suited to the Select and gives you some spare capacity for the future.

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I agree entirely RDS, then there is no issue regarding getting a repair done (if Warranty is still valid) if something goes wrong. Plus it is virtually guaranteed to work together with the Select. The P9300 is expensive, but it is 'fit for purpose'.

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I agree.  I DID use a multi voltage 5amp power supply from Maplin for a short time when I only had the Select.  This came with a number of plug adaptors for the output, one of which fitted the Select but I was never really happy using it because it had the higher current rating and the voltage selector on it could be accidentally moved and the plug adaptors could easily come apart and be reconnected the wrong way round giving reverse polarity.  The Hornby PSU which came with my Elite gives me peace of mind.

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... it is virtually guaranteed to work together with the Select ...

Hi Chris

Really?  I thought it was guaranteed to work with the Select.  I have used my Elite PSU with my Select previously and now I use it permanently on my Elite and it powers the Select as well, as a Walkabout.

£37.99 incl UK P&P (price on Hornby Website just now), seems very reasonable to me for peace of mind.

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I added the word "virtually" as a last second edit  just to give me a little bit of wriggle room. Hornby themselves on the P9300 product page state that it is the supported replacement power supply for the Select. They don't sell a 1 amp version as a spare.


In hindsight, a poor call of mine to add the 'get out of jail free card' in my reply.

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That is obviously a useful tip and I am sure that there are many units that may be capable of Powering the DCC controllers but I think what we are more concerned about is recommending something that is known to work safely and correctly.  After all, the components they will be controlling particularly a number of Loco's are very expensive and there is no comeback at all, if they have not been connected to an approved PSU.

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Fully understand. I wouldn't be pushing anyone to make a decision without understanding the implications.  For me it works and has done for over a year - but I only used it after researching the specs and testing the connectors as I already owned it.

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  • 2 months later...


Fully understand. I wouldn't be pushing anyone to make a decision without understanding the implications.  For me it works and has done for over a year - but I only used it after researching the specs and testing the connectors as I already owned it.

In reference to this power supply question, I have just picked up a Scalextric Digital PSU which is exactly the same unit (same part numbers) as the 4 amp unit supplied with the Elite. Acquired from that well known auction site for about £12, but, you need to search under "ToysandGames" / "Scalextric" to find them. They are supplied with the Digital Powerbase but can be got on their own, too.

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