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Elink to replace elite


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I have been running rail master with elite controller ,but the elite developed  fault and would not recode  newly code a decoder , I sent it for repair but came back has uneconomical repair . 

I bought an elink instead but still having problems . It came with a elink disc .

the question is. do I have to install the elink disc .do I have to uninstall the elite disc , and will I lose my settings including the layout plan 

appreciate your input .


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No, leave RM exactly as is, with the following exceptions. It is 100% compatible with both eLink & Elite. It is the same program for both controllers. In fact the version on the eLink CD is probably an older out of date version. The current version being 1.64.0


All you need to do is open the System Settings window and make changes in the option fields found there to select the eLink as your main Controller A. The RM USB software driver currently installed is the same as well for the Elite.


Also, check your railmaster.INI file (COG icon in the Help About window to open .INI editor) to make sure that the appropriate .ini settings are set for Alternative comms and Check controller are enabled. See last post in locked post at top of forum RM section titled "Getting Started with Railmaster". If Elite feedback is set as =1 make it =0. Apart from these simple changes listed above, the rest of RM can be left as is.

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RDS, FISHY, merci beaucoup. Both thumbs  now have titanium inserts, and are recovering well. I have been monitoring from time to time, but ,had to interject as most important bit,  had not been mentioned, particularly, as i had similar probs,  a long time ago. john

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As well as Baud rate, I should have also added to check that the Com port number that the USB interface is using for the eLink still matches that reported in Windows Device Manager. If not familar with DM, use the 'COG' icon within RM to open Device Manager (I think to the best of my recollection that it is in the 'System Settings' window, not using my RM PC at present to check). Basically, do all the checks relating to eLink communications listed in the locked post I referred to in first reply.


John, with all those metal parts inside, shall we call you 'Terminator'.

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CHRIS, i think my age would make me more akin to the Bionic man(steve Austin). Its great to be able to use my hands without having to wear  custom made appliances, and to be able to type again, without any pain. Bionic knees next, time will tell. john

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