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RailMaster 1.64.1

Guest Chrissaf

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The forum download link now downloads version 1.64.1 (previously version 1.64.0)


At time of posting, the download link description has not been updated and still shows 01/02/2016. Can't say what is new in release yet as have not installed or reviewed release notes.

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Bug in 1.64.1 - can anybody else confirm seeing the same one.


After manually installing (overwriting as administrator) 1.64.1 (not picked up as an auto update) and starting RM. My points would not initialise during the start up routine. The progress bar moved across and the text in the status bar said points were setting, but no point clicks. Once the start up routine completed, the points operated absolutely OK when manually clicking RM point icons.


Checked the tick box in System Settings, that was OK. Toggled the check box on and off (restarting RM each time) no change. I don't have ProPack installed.


Reloaded the previous 1.64.0 version, everything now back to normal and points initialise all OK. Because I reverted back to 1.64.0 straight away, I didn't test 1.64.1 any further to see if there were any other issues, or fixes to previous bugs.


Why oh why do HRMS always seem to go one step forward and two steps back with these maintenance updates? (rhetorical question, no answer needed from forum members, just an expression of despair at the apparent lack of quality control).


The 1.64.1 RM 'Release notes.txt' has no new information in it, latest entry in it is Jan 2016 just as before.


New interactive guide in version 1.64.1


The 1.64.1 installer puts a new interactive guide in the RM documents folder called "Knowledge Base". When you open the guide there are a number of pull down menu choice option boxes (asking questions) depending upon your answers you get a custom response.


For example, I followed a fictitious set of questions and answers regarding  lack of eLink 'Short Circuit' display on screen and it came back with the recommendations relating to correct Railmaster.ini settings required for this feature. I just tried that one known issue and resolution at random just to see what it did. Try it for yourself, to test the results for your own pet RM issue, if you have one.

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Ray, I believe if I recall correctly you have ProPack. Where the point start up routine needs two lots of configurations set. The master check box in 'System Settings' and the start up order in the individual point configuration.


I would be interested to see if anybody with 'RM Standard Edition' is seeing this issue. As I am wondering if HRMS have broken the start up routine in 'Standard Edition' but not 'ProPack'.

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We have just tested the points firing on start with and without Pro-Pack and it is fine on our test system.

Can you check your log.txt file to see if there are entries indicating that your points are firing on start-up.

If you cannot see the entries would you email us your track plan.  Was your track plan designed a long time ago?  Have you tried checking the entries for a handful of points and just saving your track plan again?

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A short update as I have contacted HRMS


Yesterday my new Virgin Class 47 TTS sound loco arrrrived. Very impressive!


As this loco wasn't in the RM database for loco or CV's I emailed HRMS. Meanwhile I waas able to manually get the loco in and working although some sounds won't work until the loco is listed correctly in RM. At least I could have a very enjoyable play.


Today seeing HRMS have provided the above update I downloaded it and installed it. I removed the manually added Virgin Class 47and brought up the loco index finding the R3390TTS in the list. Brilliant.


I than tried to run it and sadly problems became evident.


The sound and the lights on the loco wouldn't work although it would run forward and reverse and change speed.


I then tried changing points (Cobalt slow point motors... they didn't work)


Having read the above I restarted RM, them closed RM and the eLink and restarted (numerous times) the problems persisted, and the signals didn't set at start up.


I was starting to get a little frustrated, as it is Bank Holiday weekend, I re-installed the download I did on 21 August. The points work again, the signals reset on start up. (Note Cobalt Slow Point Motors don't set on start up but I didn't worry about this, I have a button to set them for me). I removed the R3390TTS from my loco list and added back a manual loco for the Virgin TTS (Using std 0003). The loco worked, the lights came on and changed subject to forward/reverse, and the engine and some other sounds work. So for now I can play but as the loco is two loco's, and due to the number of issues I have decided not to change anything until I hear from HRMS.

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Have re-updated RM 1.64.0 to 1.64.1 in order to perform your requested actions.


Points still do not initialise on 'Start Up' (v 1.64.1) but do the point initialisation OK with previous 1.64.0


Can you check your log.txt file to see if there are entries indicating that your points are firing on start-up.


Yes, there are 17 lines (one per physical point) in the Log.txt file taking the format:

Date, Time, Setting Point: (number) To: (left or right) Order (number)


Note, I use 12 x R8427 ports, five of the ports fire TWO point motors in parallel. Thus five points on the track plan share a duplicate DCC Accessory Address with another point. Making the 17 in total. This has all worked flawlessly until now.


Was your track plan designed a long time ago?


I have used the same track plan without any modifications and without previous issues since 2013.


Have you tried checking the entries for a handful of points and just saving your track plan again?


Yes, I checked a few point configuration entries (all the ones checked were OK) I re-saved the track plan with a new name. Chose the new name given as the 'default plan' in the 'System Settings' window. Closed and reopened RM, still NO point initialisation with the newly named re-saved plan loaded at start up.


I have used the integral 'support request' feature within RM 1.64.1 to officially report issue to you. This should AFAIK, send you the Track Plan and the Log.txt files. I received the internal message acknowledgement from within RM that the request was sent OK.



Chris Saf


PS - I'm using Elite, not eLink. But see that PJ has points normal operation problem with signals on startup issues too. Does appear to be a broken update.

Thank you PJ for adding to the debate.

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We have made a small change to a timing function which may have caused the points firing at start-up issue for some users (although not all).  We are not 100% sure as this issue does not occur on our test PCs.  You can download the same revision 1.64.1 and try it to see if the problem is resolved on your computers.  Please let us know if not.

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I Downloaded the update at 22:13, all of my points fire on start up, they're Colbalt motors and they all operate as normal. 


No.4 point takes about 12 clicks on the button to switch it to the siding and 1 click to return ( it's always done this so it's normal for this motor) I'll start another thread rather than hijack this one if I can't resolve it.




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We have made a small change to a timing function which may have caused the points firing at start-up issue for some users (although not all).  We are not 100% sure as this issue does not occur on our test PCs.  You can download the same revision 1.64.1 and try it to see if the problem is resolved on your computers.  Please let us know if not.


Hornby recently changed their Elite firmware updater to include user variable timing to suit various speed PCs and this appears to be a success allowing a good update with very old (XP)  to very new PCs (Win10 i7 chipset).


Could your timing issue be a similar problem in that the RM data is being passed faster (or slower) than every PC type can cope with. Too fast and data is lost, too slow and the next event overwrites the current event.

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Yes, the revised 1.64.1 file fixes my points start up initialisation issue.


Just FYI - I now notice a distinct time gap between the little program box flashing green (little square box to the right of the program pull down menu) and the start up routine commencing. My recollection of the previous (broken) 1.64.1 update, was that the start up routine dialogue box would open before the program box finished flashing green (or very close to it finishing). Don't know if this is the change to timing you mentioned, but it now works.


Thank you so much for working on this so late into the night on a (Sunday) Bank Holiday weekend. It is much appreciated.


Chris Saf


EDIT: Hopefully, any other issues forum users see will be posted here too. I wonder if PJ's issue is now improved with this modified update file.


Rob, just FYI.....My RM laptop is an Intel i5 purchased new 2013 as a Windows 8 machine, but now running Win 10. Thus, it is relatively new hardware with a reasonably fast Intel processor.

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When was the new file modified?

When I first loaded 1.64.1 I had lost sound and points althougth locos worked, so I went back to 1.64. I then tried 1.64.1 again and this time sound and points appear OK.

However, I have been trying to get lights working on Bachmann Pullman, and although never had a problem setting up lights and functions for non Hornby locos before, but was a little concerned by this comment by PJ

" although some sounds won't work until the loco is listed correctly in RM."

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Going by the time stamps of previous HRMS posts, I would estimate around midnight (Sunday night) give or take 30 minutes either side. Tis only an estimate though.........


FYI - Just tested all my locos for operation of sounds and lights (mixture of Hornby and Bachmann) using the modified 1.64.1 update. All seems well and OK.

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Have we had 2 different versions then, of 1.64.1.

Please HRMS, give different versions of software, a unique version / revision number.  

No matter how small the change is, for Configuration Control Purposes they should have different identity numbers.

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When was the new file modified?

When I first loaded 1.64.1 I had lost sound and points althougth locos worked, so I went back to 1.64. I then tried 1.64.1 again and this time sound and points appear OK.

However, I have been trying to get lights working on Bachmann Pullman, and although never had a problem setting up lights and functions for non Hornby locos before, but was a little concerned by this comment by PJ

" although some sounds won't work until the loco is listed correctly in RM."


RM 1.64 does not have the new R3390TTS Virgin Class 47 with TTS sound in loco list or CV database, hence the reason I contacted HRMS Saturday. As a result it was installed manually in 1.64 so as to allow me to play, I therefore didn't expect all sounds to work at that stage.


The statement above referred to 1.64 not 1.64.1, which I reverted back to when there appeared to many issues. Taking it being a UK Bank Holiday I also felt it best to give HRMS ample time to look into the issues raised. We thank them for responding as they have and at such a late hour. 


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As it is Bank Holiday weekend I didn't expect HRMS to respond as quickly as they have.


I therefore asked my wife to raise my layout for me to wire in another batch of signals and feathers. I will work on these today and once the layout is back down, hopefully this evening, I will download the latest 1.46.1 from the forum link, install it, test the issues commented on and provide an update on this thread.


Sorry I cannot do it sooner. Thanks for your patience.

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I Downloaded the update at 22:13, all of my points fire on start up, they're Colbalt motors and they all operate as normal. 


No.4 point takes about 12 clicks on the button to switch it to the siding and 1 click to return ( it's always done this so it's normal for this motor) I'll start another thread rather than hijack this one if I can't resolve it.





Hi Hairy


Are your point motors the Cobalt DCC Slow Point Motors?


Mine worked fine using RM 1.64 but didn't set on start up. (The box is ticked to set points and signals on start up)


Even though the box is ticked to set them, I also recieved a pop-up box when starting RM asking if I wanted to set points and signals to start up settings.


I am using the eLink.

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I have downloaded newer version but my points DCC Cobalt (also elink) were all working yesterday. For a time I yesterday afternoon I had lost the route indicator but by working the points these then appeared.

I will try running a program if I get time but now looking OK apart from my existing problems.

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I agree with RDS about config control.


The slightest change of content from a pre-released version should promote a change notice by way of a .n after the last issued version number or a version change if that is the convention in place.


The current system of Revision plus Version leads to confusion with people reporting problems or not from the same reported config state, dependant upon what time they did their last update.


I suggest keep the current control system but make the version 0, 1, 1.1, etc.


Just trying to help ...

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I have downloaded and installed the latest RM 1.46.1 and can confirm the following...  


- In System settings - General the box is ticked to Set points/signals at start up of RM   I confirm that the signals set on start up but the Cobalt Slow Action Point Motors don't (Note: they didn't using RM 1.46)   I do however get a pop-up box when I load RM asking if I want to set points and signals, even though I tick this box also the signals set, but not the points.    


- I removed the R3390TTS Virgin Class 47 for the loco list and re-installed it following the download.   I can confirm that lights and sound work correctly.  


One thing I did notice however is that after exiting the loco list and the loco's in the right hand two columns refreshes, when I click to enlarge the loco box sometimes the function boxes are blank. If I re-load the loco list again and exit it then test it again, it appears to correct the problem?


Thank you for all youor work this weekend it is really appreciated.  

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I Downloaded the update at 22:13, all of my points fire on start up, they're Colbalt motors and they all operate as normal. 


No.4 point takes about 12 clicks on the button to switch it to the siding and 1 click to return ( it's always done this so it's normal for this motor) I'll start another thread rather than hijack this one if I can't resolve it.





Hi Hairy


Are your point motors the Cobalt DCC Slow Point Motors?


Mine worked fine using RM 1.64 but didn't set on start up. (The box is ticked to set points and signals on start up)


Even though the box is ticked to set them, I also recieved a pop-up box when starting RM asking if I wanted to set points and signals to start up settings.


I am using the eLink.

Hi PJ,

Yes my point motors are Cobalt DCC slow point motors, they all set on start up but i'm using the Elite controller.

I will find time tomorrow to set up my elink to see if there are any issues.


Regards Chris

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A correction to my previous posts, my cobalt point motors do not set on start up, they give a little whirr, as if they are driving but are already set in the correct position. I normally leave my points in the straight ahead position, so I haven't come across this issue before. I will try earlier versions of RM to see when this problem started.


On a brighter note I seem to have cured my problem with point No.4 not wanting to operate on the first click by changing the address from 4 to 20. Why this should make a difference, I haven't got a clue.




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Hi Chris


The whirl noise you mention is when the point is trying to change but realises it is in the correct position.


I can get this if I change a Cobalt point manually or in a program.


My Cobalt points DO NOT set at start up of RM, nor do they attempt to do so. (eLink)


Very strange (for me) is that although RM is set to change points and signals at start up, the box is ticked in System Setting, I get a pop up box when loading RM asking do I want to set points and signals to their start up position?


This therefore makes it a duplicate check for setting the points and signals when RM is started up??? But both Fail to do anything?


If you change your points so they are not at start up positions Chris, then close RM and re-start it, you should find the points change to start up position (I say this as you get the whirl noise - I do not get any noise). You may like to try this and confirm the outcome.

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