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RailMaster 1.64.1

Guest Chrissaf

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An interesting observation Ray has made. The 'Ask to set points=1' line is shown in the RM manual. I have however, just looked at my working copy of "railmaster.ini" and the line is completely missing. Not set to =0, but completely missing altogether. OK I don't have Cobalts, but the my points do go through the start up initialisation routine with the latest fixed update RM file, automatically without being asked.


Given Hairy Chris says his Cobalts do (apparently) attempt to initialise on start up. I wonder if having this line in the railmaster.ini file AND having the check box ticked in 'System Settings' creates confusion within RM.


If the line is present in PJ's 'railmaster.ini' file I would try deleting it altogether and seeing if the Cobalts then initialise.

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HRMS / Ray


Yes that's the one!  I have changed it to '0' and re-started RM.

The popup message has now gone.


This just leaves the issue that my Cobalt Slow Action point Motors DO NOT set when RM is started. (eLink)


As confirmed in a past message, they didn't work at start up in RM 1.64 either.


>>> HRMS please consider this a fault reported.


Thank you ALL

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Just set up my elink and my cobalt motors set on start up. I'll set up the elite as soon as i've posted this.

Perhaps there is something different in my ini file so here's a copy of it.


Tipper speed=80

Tipper timer=86.4

Turntable speed=40

Turntable timer=23.56

Points timer=0.75

Conveyor speed=65

TCP start port=32

Check serial ports=1

Show upgrade button=1

Allow deactivate=1

Use default curves=1

Polling time=5

Confirm delete=1

Classic buttons=1

Show point indicators=1

Uncoupler time=5

Detection Timeout=5

Button bar vertical=0

Throttle timer=5

Handheld plan area=1,1,135,135

Program tick sound=1

PING time=60

Reset eLink on start=1

Check controller=0

Enable mouse=1

Warn static IP=1

Load Hornby locos=1

Point button arrows=0

Spoken confirmation=0

Controllers on top=1

Alternative comms=1

Elite feedback=1




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Just set up the elite and no joy. On start up some cobalts drive the points and some don't, but all operate normally when the appropriate button is pressed.


As a work around I recorded a program to set the points in their starting positions.


Regards and confused


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Hi Chris


The whirl noise you mention is when the point is trying to change but realises it is in the correct position.


 If you change your points so they are not at start up positions Chris, then close RM and re-start it, you should find the points change to start up position (I say this as you get the whirl noise - I do not get any noise). You may like to try this and confirm the outcome.

Hi PJ,

I can see the logic of your thinking, but the points do not change even though I get the whirring noise of them trying to drive and then stalling, but they operate normally at all other times.


I tried deleting the ini file so that RM would rebuild it on startup to see if that made a difference, it made a big difference.................RM would not load.


Reinstalled Sundays download and set it up for the elink, and as previously posted it all works, the points and signals set to their start positions.


This is using the elink, I haven't been able to get the elite to behave properly.





set to their start positions.

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The only thing left and it has been mentioned before is that if the firing order is set to zero they wont proof fire, and you can only resort them or leave some at zero in PRO.


From memory not-PRO will default the firing order to that which you planted them on plan in the first place.

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All 24 my Cobalt Slow Action Point Motors were added at the same time, install one, check it works then rattle through and add them all setting the direction required one by one. In doing so no order was given for the firing order, the space was 'blank' not a zero, not a number, as a result start up didn't know what to do.


I have not visually checked this as my layout is upended as I am wiring in feathers to signals today. But having numbered them all starting at number 1, then restarted RM, I can hear the short whirl from those already in the right position, and the longer sound for those changing.


Many thanks to ALL who have made suggestions and to RAF96 for hitting the nail on the head.  😉

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