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Avast software and Railmaster

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I downloaded RM yesterday again to refresh the loco list as I somehow lost my Class 47TTS. I forgot to deactivate first so fearing the worst I carried on with the reinstall. All went well until it was time to open RM. Various notices from Avast came onscreen to which I chose the run anyway option but RM still wouldnt open as "I may not have the relevent permissions.

I noticed Avast needed updating, so I did this and hey presto, RM opened, along with my existing code already activated. I was most impressed! Then this morning I was back to not having the relevent permissions again and RM wont fire up. 

Anyone else had this problem?

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I would think, you have lost your exceptions in Avast for RM and that the reason it started was that as part of the Avast update that app was closed down then restarted and RM took the opportunity to slip past the net.


Answer then is to revisit the exceptions list in Avast per the anti-virus advice document and the pinned posted at page top As well as checking ACs linked web site To make sure you didnt miss anything.

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I forgot to deactivate first


You don't need to.


When updating an existing RM installation. You DO NOT uninstall the old copy first. You only need to deactivate the key, if the intention is to completely uninstall the application.


Just download the rm_setup.exe file from the forum link. Right click it (without RM running in the background) choose 'Run as Administrator' and let the installer run and just overwrite the relevant existing files.


Using this procedure should preserve all your RM settings and PC configurations.


If you did uninstall RM in order to update it, then it was probably doing that, that has upset your Avast configuration.


I don't use Avast on my RM PC, but I have used it on another machine. I found that when Avast updates itself, it seems to do a complete uninstall and install cycle of itself as part of the update process. A recipe for trouble in my view.


Are you using the FREE version of Avast or the 'paid for' version?


If the FREE Avast version, then I would uninstall it completely and replace it with:

FREE Microsoft Security Essentials if using Windows 7


FREE Microsoft Defender if using Windows 8 or 10 (in these versions of Windows, Defender is a full featured anti-virus product. Which it is not in Windows 7).



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Hi Chris. 

I deleted RM and did a fresh install. It kept my code and SOME details but lost all my locos. 

My Avast is the full version so I'll persevere with it for now and revert to Microsoft if need be. Also, from out of nowhere, a voice came from my laptop announcing " the next train to leave platform 1....etc". Where did that come from?

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You must have somehow triggered the included annoucement samples.


Look to the top left hand side of RM main window. The status bar just below the main navigation bar with the clickable icons.


There is a pull down box with a blue arrow icon to the right of it.


Pull down the menu and choose the entry called 'Announcements'


Now click the blue arrow.

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Is Windows Defender good enough?


Matter of opinion.


Just for clarity. Prior to Windows 8, Windows Defender was definitely not good enough. it was just an on demand virus scanner and performed no real time protection. Real time protection was performed by MS Security Essentials.


With Windows 8 and 10, Microsoft effectively replaced Windows Defender with a new version of Security Essentials, but decided in their Wisdom (debatable) to keep the Defender name. Thus the current Defender product bears no resemblance to the previous version.


The advantages are that being a Microsoft product, its integration into the Windows core operating system is guaranteed. It is a fully featured and I believe capable AV product. I have used it briefly, but not long enough to offer a robust opinion. As it is FREE, try it and see how you get on. Note: The NOD32 product below, completely disables Defender from running as part of its installation routine, thus Defender in Win 8 & 10 can be safely left installed without adverse interaction. Then, if for any reason NOD32 is uninstalled, Defender takes up the mantle from the AV void created by NOD32's removal.


Historically, having been into PC's for a long time (long before Security Essentials and Defender were available), I settled on using a paid for AV product called NOD32 by ESET. I cannot fault it or the support ESET provide for it. When I upgraded to Windows 10 on my laptop I had an issue where NOD32 prevented Windows Backup from completing. ESET engineers logged into my PC and I watched them performing a range of extensive diagnostics to resolve the problem. I don't think you would get that type of support from the likes of the 'domestic home user market' AV providers (no names mentioned). ESET provide business class products.


I have never had an issue where NOD32 blocked Internet communication by my applications that needed it (have had no issues whatsoever with RM) . For those who wish to tinker with settings, NOD32 has extensive customisation capabilities but the default installation configuration works spot on.

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Sorry Chris... no intention to rain on you or your words of wisdom... just my few pennies worth here and some advice to Spireblade... Windows Defender nor Microsoft's Security Essentials will ever be a match for Avast so using those instead of the latter is not recommended (explained below). The issue of Avast's Firewall getting in the way of RM is a simple one to solve where the paid for version of Avast is installed. Disable the Avast Firewall and re-enable Windows own. Place the exception for RM in there and bingo! You don't really need to use anything other than Windows own firewall unless specifically gaming or similar with others online.

We've discussed the firewall saga before and while used by Norton's and McAfee etc this can cause severe issues with RM whereas Avast shouldn't. The paid for version is very good but there is NO reason for anyone to use paid for AV products anyway. They are mostly a con and the costs are just beyond a joke per year.

The free software I have outlined many times will do a great job at protecting your machines without any hassle whatsoever. Another very good piece of AV software I have used is Ad-Aware. I am currently comparing this with Avast free version to see what is better for clients of mine who may have a dislike for certain products for whatever reason.


Differences between Defender and Security Essentials... (both are Microsoft products):

Defender is purely an adware blocker while Essentials defends against the same plus certain viruses. It's code and, therefore, definitions coding is not as complex as Avast or similar.

Windows systems BEFORE Windows 8 required BOTH programs whereas Windows 8 would only allow Essentials to be installed and Defender would consequently be called Essentials under this platform of Windows 8. This caused loads of confusion for users of Windows 8 who tried to continue installing both to their systems only to fail miserably.


In Windows 10 Defender is installed automatically and is ONLY a baseline defensive program against some viruses, trojans and the like. It should not be taken as given that this program will protect against all viruses... it cannot. It will not cover as many of the malicious viruses and the likes as would Avast or similar when installed in their basic forms... i.e. free.


Everyone should also need to know that a virus, a trojan, spyware and malware are all different things. Their files (or internal databases if you like) contain different definition detection strings so as to catch the villains of the peace. This is precisely why you should NEVER run two antivirus products on one machine. One of them will end up checking the other's definition files and flagging a virus (this is called a false positive).


NOD32 has extensive issues with compatibility in Windows 10 (as do other programs in fairness) and its upgrading to the latest Redstone (Anniversary edition) and, if required, here is a link where ESET attempt to keep their program running smoothly:



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NOD32 has extensive issues with compatibility in Windows 10 (as do other programs in fairness) and its upgrading to the latest Redstone (Anniversary edition) and, if required, here is a link where ESET attempt to keep their program running smoothly:



That ESET Knowledgebase article is historic and well out of date. It relates to version 8 of NOD32. The current version is 9.0.402.0 which is the 5th update of the original version 9.0.318.0 release. The current version has no issues I can find with my Windows 10 system. I am however, yet to be offered the 'Windows 10 Aniversary Edition' yet by Windows Update.


Sorry Chris... no intention to rain on you or your words of wisdom... just my few pennies worth here and some advice to Spireblade...


I was expecting it, as I know the strong views you have about AV. Hence I did not push Microsoft's own products strongly. Why I wrote "......I have used it briefly, but not long enough to offer a robust opinion.......". I have used the FREE trial Avast but did not like it as a product.

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My apologies... it WAS the Anniversary Edition I was referring to. It has basically messed up lots of USB connections as well. It hasn't been fully rolled out as yet but I do have it on my phone which has survived major issues... actually there were none, surprisingly!

I have used NOD once or twice in the past purely for clients who requested it but always used my own trusted software... as one does.

Haha.. I thought you would be sitting at home waiting for a response but alas I hope it only came across as advice and no more for Spireblade... knowledge is wonderful but it has to be given as advice on the premise that someone may know just as much as oneself and maybe even more. Yes, I do know a bit and so do you and where we lack certain knowledge others help us so all is good. No competition here from me... 😎

I may have another look at that software just to see how it has developed since I last installed it for a client so a timely post from yourself to help me out there...



Great name by the way... where's it from?

A war?  😮  No way 😇 - Chris and I have collaborated on two documents on my Help Site for this forum and RailMaster itself so no chance of that. Hopefully you'll get the issue sorted but if not just pop back in and let us know and someone will no doubt help... apols if the texts in my last post were technical or confusing... :-)

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Haha. They were only confusing as I know next to nowt about computers!

Anyway, the username . Spire is what prefixes just about everything in this town due to its warped church spire, and Blade is to do with my (ahem) football team. Least said the better. Anyway, thanks chaps, I appreciate all the help given. I am getting there, slowly but surely. :-)

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Well, I have used computers for many years, and I get baffled sometimes by these programs too!

love the logic behind your monicker, I too use a place name, but in my case it only now exists as a pub name (as far as I know). Was in ancient times a fishing port between Hastings and Bexhill, now it has the Hastings shed and line running through it!  I believe it was an original Cinque port, but may well be wrong .  The full name is Bulverhythe.

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