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Points gremlins

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Finally got round to wiring my points up to RM. I have seemingly programmed the 8247 switch boxes and assigned the point number onscreen.

When I touch on point 1, point number 4 changes. 

I then just wired up point 1 to the 8247 with no other connections but only point number 4 onscreen will make it work.


Never had this before, and wired them and programmed them  a fair few times.


Any ideas?

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If you have an Elite controller, make sure it starts up in 'Standard' mode (the word 'Standard' appears briefly on the LCD screen during power up). If it says 'Classic' instead of 'Standard' then that is the cause of this well known point numbering offset issue.


Note: The Elite 'Classic' mode is an option required when using early Selects as walkabouts with the Elite.


Use the Elite menu system to change the mode back from 'Classic' to 'Standard'. See page 67 of the Elite 1.41 manual.


The Elite needs to be in 'Standard' mode to be 100% compatible with RailMaster and is documented in the RM manual on Page 20 (see item 4 in list), Page 141 (see item 2 in list) and on Page 144.


If this is the cause of the issue.


Have you recently upgraded the Elite firmware to 1.42 ?

Have you recently performed a controller 'reset' when using firmware 1.4x ?


Both of these actions, cause the controller to revert to 'Classic' mode.

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It shouldn't do.


There is another post this evening (in this section) reporting CV's not being read or decoder detected, even though they used to be OK. I suspect this might be yet another bug in the 1.64.1 update. EDIT: It would appear not to be a new bug (at least not for me) - see my 'Testing Feedback' Edit at bottom of post.


Did you keep a copy of the previous installer so that you can revert back to 1.64.0  and try again.


If that works  (or you can't revert back to 1.64.0) use the integral reporting feature to report issue to HRMS.


I will try reading some CVs with 1.64.1 and report back here.


EDIT: Testing feedback as promised. I only have two types of loco decoder. Loksound V3.5 and Loksound V4. So my test cannot be conclusive as I do not have any other decoder brands to test.


I have always been able to read the V3.5 CVs without issue. I can still read them OK with RM 1.64.1 - no change that I can see.


With the V4 however, I have always had to remove my Elite track output to read them and even then some reads are errored. There is no change (no better or no worse) that I can see with RM 1.64.1 - I get the same reading results as I did before with 1.64.0


So, for me at least, I cannot replicate the 'decoder not recognised' error in 1.64.1

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I didn't keep a copy as I did a fresh install of Windows 10 and Railmaster just before I bought the Elite. It was reading fine up until a couple of days ago. As far as I know it's not updated again. It was me who put the other post on, but after I put this one on for your attention as you helped me out with the 8247 programming problems.

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Must pay more attention to poster names. I never spotted that the other one was yours too. I read that one first.


I have copies of earlier RM installers.


If you request it, I can load 1.64.0 onto my ISP cloud service and provide a download link. But not tonight as after I send this post I will be shutting down my PC for the night.


Note: I would have to put the installer inside a ZIP file, as the cloud service rejects .EXE files.


I highly recommend that for each relatively stable RM version that gets released, one keeps a copy of the file as a backup, cause once the file is updated by HRMS to a later version there is no official download of the previous file available from Hornby.

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