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RM not reading loco CV's

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Yet another glitch but with every one I learn something.

Railmaster will not read loco cv or detect a decoder at all. Cleaned prog track, different cables etc but no joy. 

This comes after I was doing this for a while with no problems. 

All locos run fine but cant change anything.

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Before doing anything else, just power everything down (including PC) and start again. It may just be a temporary glitch. Also check that the comm ports match between Windows Device Manager & RM System Settings.

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If you have RM then you may have eLink sitting in a drawer.


If so swap it for the Elite, adjust the various settings and see if the eLink will read CVs. That will tell you if the Elite is the culprit or if its the  infrastructure bits.


If no eLink then you are limited to the other suggestions above.

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I'm confused now as it started out as RM, (Laptop and Elite), not reading CVs  now its the eLink going back to Hornby.


If both exhibit the same symptoms then likely its neither one of them, but summat else.


Its not easy to help when the plot apparently keeps changing.

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 Ah. Sorry.......I ditched the elink a few weeks ago after numerous problems and then bought the Elite. The Elite was fine until a few days ago when it stopped reading CV's. Speaking to Rails of Sheffield about it and they have agreed to swap it for another.  The Elink will end up on Ebay on its return. 

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Well, new Elite, and still will not read CV's so it appears it's a RM problem. I have looked in the ini file and can't see anything relating to this at all. This Elite was checked in the shop and all was good.

So back to square 1. I have updated RM just to make sure there wasn't a problem there but still no joy. I'm getting very tired of this now. Please help!

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Go to the second top locked thread, Setting Up and Getting Started, to the last post from HRMS on ini file settings and make sure your ini file is correct for your configuration. 


If if no luck, then email HRMS from the email facility in the RM Help window.

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What settings do you have in your.ini file regarding elite feedback, alternate  comms etc. Presumably you can't read cvs either?


Both settings  =1

I use an Elite too, and I have both of these settings =0. I have no trouble reading or writing CVs through RM. Do you know how to change the INI file settings?


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The positive way to prove the Elite can/cannot read CVs is by disconnecting it from RM and installing a simple and separate programming track, well away from the virtual model railway world.


If it works over there then its definitely a problem within RM.

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It is a totally seperate programming track. I have also disconnected the power wires so just the programming wires and USB cable are plugged in.

Lost the will to live with this now as I'm trying to deactivate the software so I can delete and install again from fresh but it now "cannot connect to the activation gateway". It hates me!

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There's no need to deactivate the software unless you want to re-install it onto a different pc. To re-install the latest version onto the same pc, all you have to do is click on the link at the top of the RM section of the Forum. This will overwrite the RM software but keep all of your loco settings, layout(s), RM program(s) etc.

When you say you have tried various combinations, do you mean in the INI file settings?


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No - any changes which have been made to the INI file will still be there after a re-install.

In my earlier post, I mentioned Alternate comms. The actual spelling is Alternative comms. Is yours spelt correctly (including the capital 'A')? Also, what value do you have for Check controller ?


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