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RM not reading loco CV's

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Odd that others have all sorts of problems.


I'm just back on the island, loaded the latest version of RM and everything works just as it did before on Win 10, including my earlier reported faults which are still there.


I have seen problems before with Win10 updates fouling things up (pc related not RM related) and a restore sorted it out, then oddly the next time it updated that problem didn't come back, so hopefully spireblade can get RM back to square one and his next Win update will not mess it up again.

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Those who know how DCC works, please correct me if my assumptions are wrong here....

It seems to me that "normal" DCC operation of locos and accessories using RM should be a "one-way" only flow of data i.e. RM > Elite > DCC bus. The programming operation, however, requires two-way data traffic..i.e. RM > Elite > Programming track > loco > Programming track > Elite > RM. In my mind this presents a much more complicated operation to manage, softwarewise. There are two physical interfaces - RM to Elite via USB, and Elite to Programming track via 2 wires. Grasping at straws, could one of these interfaces e.g. USB, become one-way only in some way? Spireblade, are you still using the same USB port as before?

Also, when you try to read or write CVs, does the red light on the Elite come on briefly during the operation of programming? At the same time there is usually a click which is the sound of a latching relay operating inside the Elite to, I think, switch off the track power momentarily. Sometimes, you can actually hear noises coming from the loco decoder itself when CVs are accessed. Can you hear these at all?


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Ray, yes all seems normal, red light and clicking but refuses to program or read the CV. The restore failed to rectify the issue so now I'm doing a fresh install of win10 and hopefully RM. I am worried that me not being able to deactivate RM beforehand will cost me dearly. Starting to wish I had stuck with DC.

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Being new to the Elite, and used to elink, I continued to program via RM. I really have no idea how to read a cv on the Elite. As it happens its not the Elite as I exchanged what I thought was a faulty one for a new one, tested in the shop, which still wouldn't work when I got it home. It appears that my problem lies somewhere in the depths of RM or Windows 10. Investigations continue.

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Spireblade, my advice is that you don't reload W10, I doubt it is a W10 issue although it is a possibility, and you don't uninstall and reinstall RM, with or without first deactivating.  RM updates to latest without problem over the top of any version without the need to reinstall  


Do email HRMS as I suggested previously. I don't get it that some are loathe to do this, they are the best possible source of advice.


I've missed it if you have told us, but what was the outcome of your Windows Restore?  If it is still not working after restoring to a point where previously it was working, that suggests to me you have a hardware fault which has developed since it was working previously. The biggest and most likely piece of hardware to be faulty is your Elite. 

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WD, apologies for confusing you with the extra words but the answer to your question is yes.


The Elite is a fully functional DCC controller and, as such, will read CVs, write CVs and do all of the other things available within the functionality of the NMRA DCC specification.  It was doing these things long before RM existed and its manual tells you how.  In fact the manual tells you everything Elite can do on one page via its flow diagram at the front.   But then you will probably have to read the full manual before you understand what the flow diagram means, I know I did. 

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FYI......An updated revision of RM has been posted today by HRMS on the download link at the top of the forum RM section. It still reports version 1.64.1 but is a modified revised updated installer.


It is possible (but maybe unlikely) that it may fix your CV reading issue. I have no idea what offficially has been updated in this new installer.


Remember, do not uninstall your current version, just run this updated installer over the top of the current installation.



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Which email address should I use to contact HMRS? 

My problems are still ongoing and I really have tried everything. A glimmer of hope last night but that was soon dashed when attempting to read a cv, it actually read the first line then no more.....

Losing interest quickly and seriously thinking of reverting back to DC. 

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Ideally, you should use the inbuilt reporting system in the 'Help' window screen as this will send log files etc to HRMS to help them diagnose the problem. If and only if the inbuilt system is not working use the external e-mail address support@rail-master.com


Attach copies of the "resource.mdb" and "log.txt" files located in the RailMaster program folder to your mail.

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Every value being 255 means that the Elite programming port via RM cannot see the decoder in the loco. Or not sufficiently well enough to correctly read the values.


What brand and model is the decoder in the loco?


Sometimes CV's will read all 255, but can still be written to OK. The reading function can be more temperamental (it seems on Hornby controllers) than the writing function. Reading CV's can be affected by all sorts of interference, which is why it is recommended to disconnect the track output from the controller when reading / writing CVs.


Are there any radio (transmitter) sources in the vicinity of your controller. A wi-fi router for example or a wireless burglar alarm sensor, a mobile or DECT phone, fluorescent lighting tubes anything that might be radiating electrical signals. How close is your PC to the Elite, if it is a tower or desktop PC is the Elite sitting on top of it, move them apart as far as practicable.


Try and go electrically quiet, turn off as much electrical equipment in the vicinity as possible.

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The program track is in total isolation. No power wires, and 3 rooms away from the rest of the layout. I am using a dedicated laptop as you are, no other programmes or rubbish on there, just Windows 10 and Railmaster. As far as I can see there is nothing that could interfere with the signal, phones, wifi routers etc.

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