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RM not reading loco CV's

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Sometimes loco decoders can become corrupted (they are after all small computers).  You can reset most types by writing the value 8 to CV8 and starting again.  Once you have reset the decoder, before attempting to program any CVs just see if the loco performs on the main track with its default ID of 3 (resetting will put if back to factory defaults).  When you have ascertained that it's okay then try programming again.

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Slight progress made. I have run all locos, including the ones I thought corrupted and they work WITHOUT RM on the Elite as a stand alone. I discovered the built in power clip on my program track is faulty as I can read and write on the main track using the Elite. I still have a problem with RM though, and did a factory reset on the laptop this morning. Although it APPEARS to communicate with the Elite, the green controller symbol remains unlit and is apparently inactive. Trying to resolve this now but normal proceedures aren't working.

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I'm like Ray and thinking you are using a DC power clip or track on your programming track, not DCC. Easy to check and fix - flip open the black plastic cover on the clip or between the rails on the track and I'm betting you find a little coloured capacitor with its legs connected one to each wire/track.  Cut the legs and remove it then close the cover.  If there isn't a capacitor in there, we were wrong and it is a DCC clip.


If the green controller icon is not lit in RM, chances are RM is not set up correctly for your Elite and so not talking to it properly. Go back to the Setting Up and Getting Started topic at the top of the forum.  Go through everything again. Make sure you have the correct ini file settings.


And if you are still having problems then please, please, please, email HRMS from the facility in the Help window.  If you don't get an immediate auto response back to your email address, it hasn't worked (chances are your AV is blocking you), then use the separate support address Chris has given you, and attach the resource and log files he mentions.

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It's the 2nd one with the green buttos, that came with the DCC Majestic set. Taken the plastic cap off it and the connection to the track moves slightly. I have some DC ones with orange buttons and have removed the capacitors.

Anyway, it's sorted now, soldered new wires onto the programming track, sorted the comms issues (again!!) and everything seems fine.


I would like to thank everyone for your help when the easiest way out would've been to slash my wrists!

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This whole saga just reiterates what Fishy says on many posts (and I agree with). It is pointless (in the majority of cases) re-installing from scratch Windows and RM. The issues experienced are invariably either physical connection issues (power clips and tracks) or software communications configurations (.ini file and comm ports).

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I suppose with having 2 problems, just solving 1 of them was never going to work. I only made matters worse by tinkering with ini file settings etc and forgetting where I had got to etc. Once realising that the power clip was dicky after programming a loco on the main track successfully, then putting the comms setting as per the instructions was a doddle. As it happens I did have other problems with the laptop that needed sorting so I though a clean install was probably better. I was right on one count but not on the Railmaster, which really should have been left alone.

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My previous post was not meant to be negative. I too should have added my congratulations in finally getting it sorted. Many here would have given up long ago. Perseverance really does pay off in the end. Next time (heaven forbid that there is a next time) you will get it sorted in half the time, as the trials and tribulations gone through over the last week or so will be an undesired but valuable learning exercise.

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I didn't take it a a negative Chrissaf. Yes, it's been very testing but I have learned a lot. My head can only take small amounts of stuff in at a time which makes things difficult at times. Anyway, the smile has now returned to my face, the Mrs is happy again, so all is well again.

Just an aside, the DCC powertracks are more expensive than the DC........yet the DCC has fewer parts. Hmmmm.

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