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Hi all, since downloading the latest update, my Railmaster seems to have reverted back to the trial program. I have copied and pasted Resource.mdb and managed to get my loco data back but although I have copied and pasted my*. pln I cannot get my track plan back.

Any ideas would be gratefully received.


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This shouldn't happen mallone.  To update, all you should be doing is installing the latest version over the top of your existing, don't even have to do it as administrator.  Everything should still be there, activation code, resource.mdb, track plans and programs.  Only thing you might lose is if you didn't change the name of your track plan from one that comes with RM.


The only way to lose anything would be if you uninstalled the old version without first de-activating, then doing an install of the new one, not the correct thing to do at all.


So just what did you do?

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Hi and thank you all for your replies. I simply downloaded the update from the forum and all was well. The next day, and since, when I run Railmaster, all I get is the evaluation mode. I certainly didn't uninstall my original version.

I have managed to get my loco list panel back but that is all.


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That's weird.  Are you certain nothing else change on the PC/laptop in that time?


How did you get your loco list back, given it was missing at some time?


I think I'd be emailing HRMS, preferably from the email in the Help window of RM, assuming it is still working in eval mode.

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Hi Fishmanoz....you've just kicked me up the pants!

I fitted a new larger backup hdd to my pc and backed up all my files and programs. There lies the problem. I took it out and put my old backup drive back in and hey presto, Railmaster is now up and running perfectly. I still don't know what I have done wrong but you've hit the nail on the head. I cannot thank you enough.

john 😳

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In order to keep RM update comments in one place I repeat here the post I have just made in the RM not reading loco CV's thread.


Following on from the latest update (dated 5-9-2016) I see there is an RM knowledgebase now on the desktop but I am unable to open the RM programme to control the layout. R-

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Apart from the addition of the knowledge base I have noticed that a point icon has disappeared from the layout and no matter what I do I cannot get another to position itself back again. I have sent a support request through the usual channels. Luckily I have some signals nearby which will alter the points, but there is no grey/blue line now to signify what you have done - just the light signal.


There is no updated release note. R-

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Right, downloaded the update again - same response regarding the placement of point icons. I got to wondering if the "old" issue of the icon being too close to another one had returned, and when I started to move track etc. found the symbols I had "placed" had jumped onto a nearby pair. So I diligently removed those (all 28 pairs) and hit the button for a group delete - and deleted the track plan!! Not to worry as the auto backup regime enabled a speedy recovery. But now trying to put the signals and points back, the previous issue of the accessory windows being "short" and not allowing setup of linked accessories has returned. These issues remain:-


1. Why did the point icons having been previously happy on my plan decide to jump away to another location?


2. Odd that I could not replace them, but HRMS could with the same software.


3. Having settled the "short" accessory window issue (or so I thought), I wonder why it has returned?



I'm not changing anything else for the moment. It's too nerve wracking.



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