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Using R8239 DCC Booster as a reverse loop module


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I've just purchased the DCC booster and according to the instructions the R8239 can be used in reverse loop / wye configurations.  

However there's no schematic diagram in the manual to illustrate how this could be done or used in this way.  Can anyone enlighten me how the R8329 would be setup for reverse loops?   

Can the booster only be connected to inside the reverse loop? (which would be the section that's insulated from the main layout)

I know this approach is all OTT as I could use the reverse loop module instead, it's just that I'm entrigued about the possiblities.


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Thanks for the replies as I think I've got it now.   It sounds like if you have a large reverse loop with a lot going on in the isolated section it could be useful to create this into a power district.

However I have a very simple reverse loop so it would make no sense for me.


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