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Railmaster - No Internet Connection

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Hoping someone maybe able to help,

My Railmaster has suddenly stopped connecting to the internet.

The internet connect icon is ghosted out & if for example I choose the latest news icon in the registration box I get a page error.

My laptop is of course connected to the internet.

The problem started after I installed my iphone as a hand held controller.

Any thoughts ?

Help appreciated.


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The HRMS server(s) is (are) down and off line at the present time. This will affect Internet features that are specific to RailMaster. Be patient, when the HRMS end is sorted, probably early next week, RM Internet services will most likely return to normal.


The question you should be asking yourself, can I connect to web sites using my browser. If the answer is Yes, then comment above is relevant. If answer is No, then your PC or your Internet ISP connection has a genuine Internet access issue to resolve.

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Mine too. No apparent reason but it has stopped connecting and wont let me deactivate.


This software has been nothing but a pain in the **** since I bought and installed it.


Never come across such a buggy, poorly designed program.


Looks like something that belongs on a 1983 Atari or Commodore 64

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The HRMS server(s) is (are) down and off line at the present time. This will affect Internet features that are specific to RailMaster. Be patient, when the HRMS end is sorted, probably early next week, RM services will most likely return to normal.


The question you should be asking yourself, can I connect to web sites using my browser. If the answer is Yes, then comment above is relevant. If answer is No, then your PC or your Internet ISP connection has a genuine Internet access issue to resolve.

Off course I am connected to the internet.


I stated that in my original post. Gawd...

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My answer second comment was for the benefit of anybody and all who might be experiencing the same problem. Spireblade for example. It WAS NOT specifically aimed at you John B.

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My answer second comment was for the benefit of anybody and all who might be experiencing the same problem. Spireblade for example. It WAS NOT specifically aimed at you John B.

I apologise, but this program, RM is a shocker.

The only saving grace is the voice control. That works beautifully.

Hornby really need to fix the bugs though, and there are many !



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This software has been nothing but a pain in the **** since I bought and installed it.

Never come across such a buggy, poorly designed program.

Looks like something that belongs on a 1983 Atari or Commodore 64

Agreed - I have often commented on its failings and that of the configuration control, but was met with hostile response, so poked it onto my back burner and take delight in watching others reiterating the same opinion over the months and year since.


That said I have never suffered from any of the installation/connection problems seen on here, just basic bugs and lack of features that can be seen but usually fixed overnight in other similar but free applications.

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@ RAF96

That said I have never suffered from any of the installation/connection problems seen on here, just basic bugs and lack of features that can be seen but usually fixed overnight in other similar but free applications.




EDIT: Just tested @ 14:37 BST. HRMS Servers seem to be back on line again.

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Oh bugger. I wish I had known this earlier. I have just reinstalled win 10 and RM to get rid of any bugs. It was something that really had to be sorted over the weekend as free time is at a premium. Obviously now I only have the evaluation version which is going to be a pig to get activated again. Oh joy!

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Hello again,

I too am having problems this evening with the RM software. Not the core programme, but with Handheld connectivity.

I am using both an IPad and IPhone and have no problems in the past and I was using both devices quite happliy last weekend. I now find on both the Pad and the Phone that when I try to connect with these devices that I receive an error message "404 - File or Directory not found." I have tried to download the Hand Held software again on both devices (www.my-apps.eu) but I receive the same error.

Any thoughts would be welcome as I like to control my TurnTable close up rather tham from my laptop about 15 Feet away from the TT.

I hope this not a BREXIT issue!!

Sorry, only joking!!


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  • 1 month later...


Not sure if you have all things working again but since you have had the problem since using an iPhone as a hand held controller (and I believe you MAY be using the laptop too as you didn't state otherwise?) you may need to look at the networking of both to have it all ship shape again...

If this IS the case then take a look at my page for networking both...


If this NOT the case then it is possible you may have a networking IP clash. Without further detail I am only surmising the latter especially.

If you are NOT networking with the laptop you should ensure the COM ports in both the iPhone and RM match.


As I do not use any Apple product for reasons already stated before now I cannot pinpoint where to sort this out on there... but a quick check on the site above (under 'Installation' and 'Ports' onward) you should be guided roughly in the right direction for your product even though the site deals only with Windows.

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Railmaster servers do indeed seem to be down at present (08:45 GMT Monday), not the first time. One very easy way to test server on-line status is to click the RM download link at the top of the forum RM section. If the servers are down you will get a 404 (unable to reach destination) error.

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